one - dumbasses

149 8 9

y/n and gregory have a sibling like bond, no romance here👍

you sighed.

"why are we doing this again?" you rolled your eyes.

"because (y/n), we could get food here, possibly stay the night, and have fun, obviously."  gregory crossed his arms.

"I mean.. yeah, but-"  I tried to say before getting so rudely interrupted.

"exactly. now come on!" gregory grabbed your hand, and you both snuck into the pizza plex together.

"this place is bright as shit.." you mumbled, looking at all the bright colors, putting your hand over your eyes slightly.

"cool isn't it? see, I told you you would like it, dumbass."

"HEY DONT CALL ME A DUM- wait.. have you been here before?"

"I was here yesterday. wanted to check the place out before bringing you, heh."

"YOU CAME HERE WITHOUT ME? how could you☹️. fake ass friend"


you and gregory walked around the mall after your tiny arguement, amazed on how cool everything looked.

"so, who's your favorite animatronic?" you asked staring at your obvious favorite, chica.

(if urs isn't chica change it, I chose chica bc she's my personal favorite.)

"freddy obviously, are you an idiot?" gregory side eyed you.

"well mines chica. I love her voice."

"lol ofc you would choose chica."




you looked around, people and children, damn even babies staring at you both.

"oh.. um.." you mumbled, nervously.

"Yeah, great going idiot."

"if you don't shut your ass up."
it was finally time to watch the main bands show. you and gregory were excited, you both never really had seen animatronics- who am I kidding you both never seen animatronics at all.

the band got on stage, performing. gregory was more excited then you are, fucking screaming his lungs out.

funny because you guys snuck in here, and if you both got caught, you would be ass wipes.

then, something you never thought would happen, happend.

freddy  looked at gregory.

oh, that's fi- wait


it was only for a second, but it was still exciting.

just as you and gregory were in shock, freddy looked away and started.. malfunctioning?

freddy passed out on stage?

you were pretty bummed, to say the least.

but nonetheless, happy you atleast got to see them live.

everybody was mad, and started leaving immediately. you and gregory got pushed and shoved, the both of you trying to get out of the crowd, successfully doing so.

this is probably ass but who fucking cares atp

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