nine - i wish i knew

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hi guys!! finally working on another chapter. thanks for the support!!

sun drop screamed weirdly, falling to the ground behind the counter.

"naughty boy.. naughty girl... it's past your bedtime. you must be 𝐩𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝." the animatronic said.

you could only assume it was that freaky looking dude on that poster back near the slide.  wait did he just say punished? woah bro chill you are kink-

he jumped on the counter, doing a lil dancey dance before running away towards the play structures.

"okay what the fu-" i tried to say before being so rudely interrupted.

"gregory, (y/n), i do not know what you two did, but the lights are out in the daycare!" freddy spoke from his fazwatch.

no shit

"you need to find the emergency backup generators and turn them on. they are in the play structures." freddy spoke once again. but the noon thing went towards the generators.. god i hate my life😒

we recharged our flashlights and ran towards the play structures sneakily, trying not to be spotted by that wack ass animatronic.

we both went separate ways to find more generators, i crawled through a blue slide, entering one of the structures. i noticed that there were black chords throughout the whole structure. noted.

i crawled and crawled, getting more tired by the second. eventually finding one, pulling the lever. what if a fucking 4 year old messed with this? what then superstar daycare?

as i pulled it, i heard a menacing laugh coming from near me. it was close. i didn't have time to waste, so i moved quickly and chose my steps wisely.

i went down another blue slide, exiting the play area i was originally in. i walked towards another one but before i could crawl into another slide, something popped in front of me, and scratched my cheek.

i yelped, holding my bleeding cheek in my hands. i quickly recovered by running behind the desk and loosing the animatronic that was on my trail.

i let a tear escape my eyes from the pain, and looked through the drawers from the counter that nobody but the animatronics were allowed beyond.

i found a bandaid, quickly putting it over my cheek. i cried only a few more minutes because of the stress that tonight has held. i then after a moment ran back to another structure to find more generators, because i didn't want to be stuck here forever.

i crawled into another structure, but before that i saw the moon animatronic fucking swimming in the air??

i found one more generator then pulling the lever. the lights turned on then. did gregory find the rest of the generators?

i met gregory near the counter as he quickly asked what happens to my cheek and saw my slightly tear stained face concerningly. i said it was nothing, but i just didn't want him to worry.

we walked near the big doors, pressing a button. then someone picked us up..

"rule breakers, RULE BREAKERS! you both are BANNED from the daycare!" sundrop said, very loudly may i add.

"security alert! security alert! WOOOOOOOO!" he basically screamed, alerting other animatronics.

"AH SHIT" i said as we saw chica, roxy, and monty coming after us.

"(y/n), gregory, jump in! we need to get out of here now! they have found you both!" freddy said, me and gregory somehow both got in there no problem. it was still a little tight in here. that made me think about the first time me and gregory were in here. that made me let out a giggle.

"we are almost out of time. we need to get to a charging station immediately. every hour the power is diverted to the charging stations." freddy spoke to us.

"when that happens the lights go out, and when that happens the daycare attendant is free to roam the building. it will find you both." freddy said, i didn't know where we were moving.

i wish i knew but i didn't.

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