Do Check This ❤

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Hi little bears,

First of all I wants to apologize for taking so long and not uploading anything. Yes,I said I'll come back after finishing one of my stories on pratilipi. But due to few circumstances I failed to do so. 

Main reason behind this is my studies. Actually recently I joined library for self study as at home I am unable to give time to my studies and the environment of my house is not helping me to focus on it resulting me skip my every single day like this. 

And every student knows how frustrating it becomes when you have a goal to achieve but you are not giving it proper time or should i say your condition is not allowing you?

But from.the time I had joined library I am being able to give more to my studies. Like from morning eight to evening four or five but of course when one thing sorts out another stand in front of you. 

And just like everyone it's happening with me too,bcz of focusing more on studies I can't give time to writing stories now. 😿 I feel sad too bcz I promised to come back soon but *sigh. 

I genuinely wanna apologize. 

The thing which I wanna inform is from now on updates will be slow maybe once in a week. But I'll try my best to give double or triple update whenever I'll do. 

I hope you understands my condition too and won't feel upset or be angry with your sweet author. Remember,I won't stop updating it's just updates will be slow. Give me few days to adjust myself 🐱 I'll try to give next update ASAP.

My sincere apologies,

Your author 💜

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