Lost sully (2)

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Many years had passed since the supposed death of Jake and neytiri daughter but she was very much alive and well, she had become the sole survivor of the helicopter crash. It seemed like the great mother had went into action and saved your life from death that had fallen upon the RDA members. You had been found on shore in a bed of flowers with some scars as your cries had been heard that night, when a tshaik and her healer were out they had found you. That was not the only thing they had found there was also the destroyer RDA helicopter as well a in the trees, the group didn't think as they brought you home with them as you need healing and attention.

Y/n " well today let see what the great mother has planned for me" you were sitting on the common area of your hut eating breakfast, you were humming this sweet song you knew so well but you didn't know why you knew this song.

Y/n " I should get going I don't want to be spend all day dreaming here I can do it while I work" you soon got up from your seat and finished your breakfast, and soon left the home ready to follow you task of the day.

???? " good morning y/n it good to see you are up already my free spirt child"

Y/n " good morning Nita" Nita was the tshaik that found you that day after the crash you were not the only child she had come across, at shown up near the village.

Nita " I believe at times that eywa had given you this free spirit for many reason young one, as you are always looking for something and getting something in return"

Y/n " yes Nita there was times I wonder of the great mother is testing me because even when , I'm not doing anything wonder always comes to find me"

Nita " you have grown up since that night I and the healers found you were feared you wouldn't survived, but the great mother knew it was mot your time to go"

Y/n " do you think the great mother has anything else for my dynasty or do I have to find out on my own"

Nita " that for you and her to see my child as even I don't know what makes you so special, you are one of the many wonders that have come to this clan"

Y/n " thank you Nita"

Nita " now run along I will see you later"

Y/n " yes goodbye Nita" you soon ran off calling your ikran and soon taking off from the village you had become one of the many wonder of the village, as Nita and the elders couldn't quite understand why the great mother had blessed you so much, when you were so young in life.

Y/n " hell yeah" you were able to speak navi and English which was the language of the sky people or humans that what you had learned they were called. You had always went to visit the remains of the helicopter crash, and you picked the language of the sky people. There were some old stuff of their that got your attention and you study them, and leaning about them over time. The clan olo'eythan and elders had allowed this after being pressured by the tshaik. As it was seen as way to help you learn about yourself.

Y/n " we can landed her girl so you can rest your wings" you soon landed your ikran Erua on the ground as you walked towards the shore lie dipping your feet and legs into the ocean water.

Y/n " umm this is good" the clan you were raised on was a topical places you were the only navi that had a ikran that was native to the mountains.

Y/n " ahhhh" you soon felt someone picking you up and tossed you into the water you soon looked up, and heard laugher you soon looked up and saw you long time friend Vawi. He was ocean navi he had shown up on the shore of the inland months before you, Nita's had thought having you will make him feel better and since that day the two of you had become very close.

Vawi " surprise ma y/n"

Y/n " there you are I was wondering where you were I saw that you were already gone"

Vawi " I had some duties to attend and I saw you flying by and landing"

Y/n " so you decided to come pull a prank on me"

Vawi " anything for my special girl" Vawi soon helped you onto your feet as the two of you soon sat on the sandy beach together, the two of you were so close the most of the clan had thought and made bets that you two will become a mated pair.

Y/n " the clan is worried about the sky people coming here, I heard the elders talking about it last night"

Vawi " don't worry ma y/n when they come we will be ready"

Y/n " yes I know that but I feel like something bad is going to happen, I don't want anything bad it the ones I love"vawi soon lift your head up as you were looking down at the ground.

Vawi " don't worry so much ma y/n everything will be fine"

Y/n " thank you vawi" you smiled at vawi as the two of your sat there together either one of your saying anything, to each other vawi soon grabbed your hand making you smile.

Vawi " no matter what happens you will always have me"

Y/n " thank you vawi that makes me feel better you will always have me as well no matter what happens, you will never be alone"

Vawi " thank you y/n" vawi soon kissed your forehead making you smile and giggle a bit he had started kissing your forehead, when you two had gotten older it had become a special occasion between the two of you. The two teens had stayed there a bit longer talking with each other, and enjoying each other company. Being spotted by some adults of the clan who thought it was cute to see you and vawi acting so close and it was gossip around the clan that the two teens seemed to be blessed couple.

That the metkayaia village

The omacayia clan had to flee from your their homes and join forced with the ocean navi clan when it came to fighting off the RDA. There was some seem tension between the clan as everyone was still trying to get along the young and old, and it was not easy for everyone when it came to this big change.

Tsyeria " today seemed to be a good day even due it very silence today"

Lo'ak " yes it has been a very interesting day" the sully kids seem to be a bit off which had drawn the attention of their new friends. They were all heading back to the sully family home wishing to take a break some all the activities they had been doing today.

Aonung " here I thought your jungle freaks will be able to ride out Iiu properly but you proven me wrong"

Kiri " thank I think aonung" the sully kids soon stoped walking when they got half way through the entrance of their home, when they heard their mom singing and holding something in her hand.

Rotox " is everything okay"

Neteyam " hush don't let her hear you" the metkayaina kids could see how emotional neytiri was as she was holding something in here hand that seemed like a song chord.

Tuk " is mama okay"

Kiri " she needs some time alone Tuk come along" the kids soon left quickly not saying anything else as they all remained silent. There was something that the sulky family all seemed to be effected by but none of them were talking about it.

Aonung " is everything with your mom okay she seemed very sad"

Neteyam " she is grieving someone that was close to our family"

Aonung " oh I'm sorry for asking"

Lo'ak " it okay dude she is grieving our sister she was born before Tuk a year after me, but something bad and sad happened to her"

Aonung "I'm sorry for your family lost"

Tuk " I never heard mama and dada talking about her"

Kiri " they still miss her Tuk so don't mention it that much in front of them okay it still makes them very sad"

Tuk " okay" the three metkayina teens did know what the feeling of losing a loved one felt like, none of them were going to make the kids tell them anymore. The three teens soon shared this information with tonowari and ronal as they wanted to know more about the sully family. This type of talk with the sully family will be held tomorrow as no one else wished to push the topic even more after what had taken place.

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