My New Prison

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Isabella's Point of view

A painful and strained moan escaped from my lips, as I wriggled my body from side to side as I stirred awake. I could feel a wave of electrifying pain surge from all over my body, with the nightmares I had too vague and painful to remember and my mind flushed up in a damn chaotic haze. My heart was beating loudly within my chest as beads of sweat trickled down my forehead.

I quickly jerked up from where I laid, taking a close look at my surroundings, I couldn't recognize where I was. That was when it dawned upon me then I realized I wasn't in my own bedroom back at my apartment, nor was I in the middle of the woods where I last remembered I was in.

This environment looked very foreign and alien to me. I was in an immensely large room, sprawled at the center of a big and soft king sized bed. The gigantic double door window draped with thick and black curtains, preventing any ray of light from seeping into the room, filling it with darkness and eerie somber embrace. The only source of lights that was available to me were the lamps and candles that burned to their might. They looked freshly lit up in the room, someone was just here.

'Where in the bloody hell was I?' my inner thoughts were questioned but was met with no reply. I had no answer or any idea how I ended up here from last night.

'Was I somehow... Dead? And was this, wherever this was, the afterlife?' my panic crossed its flawed thoughts towards me.

I quickly pinched myself on the arm just to see if I was indeed dead or alive and to my dismay it hurted like a bitch.

No, I'm not dead… So not dead.

So I was still very much alive, then what was going on. Was I brought here by the shape shifter, Alectryon?

The last thing I could remember was being tricked by that shape shifter, Alectryon. He took the skin of Iris and even sounded like her, just to get me to come outside in the middle of bloody nowhere, then we fought, and he tricked me with the face of my mother. After my hesitation, he sent his freakish Talons for hands into my stomach, lacing and intoxicating me with some kind of paralyzing poison. I still remember how it burned within me before I passed out. It filled me with hallucinations.

And that was all I can remember.

I completely blacked out after that part. But since I am truly alive then how did I from the cold harshness of the forest floors end up here?

"Oh goddess!!!" I gasp, feeling a surge of pain in my guts.

A lightning bolt of thoughts struck my mind. There was only one logical explanation for all these. And it was that I have been kidnapped.

Immediately I jumped out of the bed and up on my feet, I could feel my stomach burn with every slight move that I made. I took a look at my mid section to realize that I had been bandaged up and my wounds had been properly taken care of. Whoever my kidnapper was had the decency to nurse my wounds. This means that whoever they are must still need me alive to do this but this still didn't mean I was out of the woods yet. I was still in so much danger being in the enemy's lair.

I lurched towards the grand window, pulling away those thick curtains. I peered out into the sky. It was really dark outside and the gibbous moon was waning in pure delight as the only source of light. I couldn't see anything much out there except thick tree canopies that seemed to extend out into the night.

It was already midnight, this made me all the more anxious. I wondered for how long I had been unconscious?

I can't stay here! I need to leave. Wherever this place was, it wasn't safe.

I galloped towards the door, twisting its door knob continuously but the stupid thing wouldn't yield.

I was locked in from outside. Whoever held me captive had no fucking idea what I was capable of or who the fuck he was dealing with.

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