Hang in there my witch

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Dimitri's Point Of View

MY GROWLS VIBRATED through the earth crust as I tore through another wolf from the Nok pack, splitting him into two equal halves. I was covered from head to toe in blood, standing in a puddle of the blood of wolves working with Rafael. I was going berserker without my mate, I needed to get her back or I swear I was going to fucking kill everyone breathing.

It's been only two days since my mate was taken, but for me it feels like an eternity being without my mate, every second without her felt like torture to my mind. Not knowing what that bastard was doing to her at this very moment kept me furibund. Saying I was going crazy was merely an understatement to describe what was happening to me. I was out of my darn mind without the little witch.

I knew that swine Rafael, he was capable of a lot of despicable things, and knowing fully well what he was capable of made me even more uneasy, I would die if he laid his disgusting fingers on my little witch.

I have tried to connect to Isabelle through the bond we shared as mates but I just couldn't. I could still feel her, that's how I know she is still alive but the connection was cut off, I couldn't access her. I could even track her distinct scent.

I became even more worried knowing she was probably with her aunty too. Delilah, and her red circle coven, was working with Rafael.

I knew how much that woman had fucking traumatized my mate, Isabelle still had bloody nightmares about that day. I had always wanted to be with her if they ever faced each other, to protect her. But now she was all alone with the one who murdered her family.

I needed to get my mate back!

I led a hunt to find out where that vermin was hiding with Isabelle, following some whispers, barely anything that could lead me to my mate. I raided every guest house and mansion he owned but there was no sign of him. Then I attacked the packs of every Alpha that I knew was in league with Rafael. I waged a war against anyone helping Rafael.

I even spread the word to other packs still loyal to me to join the hunt for my mate, but there was still no positive news from them.

I see another werewolf and the instant he sees me he begins running away. Even though I would be terrified about my appearance, I couldn't care less about how I looked. I stopped caring since I lost her, all that mattered was getting her back.

I appear before the werewolf, ripping it head off in a swift stroke. Finally I got the scent of the werewolf I came here for. Alpha Chase of the Nok pack. I remember him from the masquerade ball, he was Rafael's closest friend and was a fucking pig to.

I move closer to Alpha Chase of the Nok pack, he shivers in desperation and fear for what I will do to him.

Ever since she was taken, the only piece of light I had was gone now I was one with my inner darkness. I was willing to do anything to get her back.

"Where is Rafael!" my growl emanated, sending dread deep into his soul. I could smell his fear and it was delightful.

"I swear Alpha Dimitri, I do not know." He says. He was lying, I could read his thoughts, he knew more than he was saying.

"Don't fucking lie to me!" I snarled at him.

"All Rafael told me was his plan to get your mate. He is working with a witch and they were planning on doing something big on the Blood Moon. I swear that all he told me, he didn't mention anything about where he would go or what he was up to. Please spare me!" Chase begged on his knees. He wasn't lying.

"I believe you, but I need to see for myself." I mentioned with a smirk, watching his face sink in terror.

I grabbed hold of his head, my hands sinking into his bloody memories as he screamed in sheer horror.

I could see his pathetic life flashing before his eyes. just like the thousands I had to pry into looking for my mate. I sneered as he was useless, there was no useful information in his thoughts, nothing pointing to where Rafael could be hiding.

"Disappointing." I cut off his head with my hands furiously, this meant another dead end.

I could hear Lance walk up to me, in the company of Gabe. They were covered in blood too but it wasn't theirs.

"Any luck?" I inquired sharply, looking at Lance before looking at Gabe, they both had a regretful look on their faces.

"The other raids also lead to dead ends." Lance admitted regretfully.

"What about the other Alphas?" I sighed.

"No news from them yet." Gabe spoke. This was disappointing, the Blood Moon was tonight and yet we had no clue where my mate was.

I went silent, when I heard someone trying to communicate to me through the mind link. It was Celeste.

I heard Celeste call me through the mindlink, she had some important piece of information for me. I immediately teleported back to the pack house, specifically to the witches quarters where Celeste always stayed.

"Alpha." Celeste said, bowing down in fear, even she couldn't stand to look at me in the state I was in. I had given complete control to my lycan form.

"What is it Celeste?" I ask, I was only interested in the important information she had for me. It had to do with my mate.

"I was in the witches' cemetery performing a ritual to locate Luna but something strange happened. I could feel an immensely dark presence in the cemetery. It was an entity that didn't belong to this world. It was no doubt a demon" my eyes narrowed at her words.

Why was a demon in this realm, most especially in my pack? Demons were evil malevolent spirits, they were harbingers of doom. That was the reason why the rift to the underworld was sealed, keeping them away from our realm. They didn't belong here.

"How is this of any help in finding my mate?!" I asked. I didn't have time to deal with a demon problem, right now I needed to find my mate, anything else could wait.

"The demon was here to help, Alpha." she said, showing me a map with a blood trail, leading to Boston, Massachusetts.

"The demon left a blood trail." She added. "It stops in Massachusetts."

"That has to be where Rafael is hiding my mate. Gather the witches. We are going to Massachusetts." I ordered. I knew this had to be Isabelle, she sent the message and is waiting for me to come and find her. We didn't have any much time to waste, the Blood Moon was tonight.

"But Alpha this could be a trap." Celeste's reasoning wasn't far from the truth. But this was the closest clue we have ever gotten, I'm sure Isabelle was behind this. She wanted me to come and find her, I just knew it.

"It isn't a trap. It is her Celeste. Isabella sent this message, we need to get there at once." I told her.

"Get the witches ready." I ordered her before leaving.

I informed the pack warriors, giving the orders. We headed out as a pack, moving in tremendous speed in our wolf forms. Our numbers weren't large, only a few of our pack warriors were still strong enough to fight. As the Blood Moon drew near with it might over the curse, my pack was inflicted by the curse, making many weak and impossible to shift.

We were really running out of time now, we needed to get our Luna back.

'Hang in there my little witch, I'm coming.'




****Author's note****

Okay besties, the long awaited Blood Moon is the next chapter, any thoughts?

Don't forget to give me your comments and votes, you guys rock!

Also, my other book --Alpha Kaden: The Primordial Hybrid-- just began, please do check it out in my profile. Thank you.

Brace tight as we approach the end of the beginning, grab your tissue too :,(

Until the next update… goodbye and enjoy this chapter Soundtrack while reading.

Chapter's Soundtrack: Dancings done by Ava max

BLOOD MOON: The Lycan Alpha's Little Witch Where stories live. Discover now