Chapter Thirteen: Evermore

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(Y/N) got downstairs where she was greeted by the coathanger. It bowed to her before lowering slightly, showing that it was sad that she was leaving. But soon the doors opened and (Y/N) made her way out, Mrs. Puff watching from the stairs. Back in the West Wing, Squidward had put on a cloak and walked over to the rose. There was so little time left now. Unaware of what had happened, Mr. Krabs, Spongebob, and Sandy came to visit him. Mrs. Puff had joined then but hadn't yet said what she saw.

"Well, Master, I have had my doubts, but everything is moving like clockwork. True love really does win the day!" Mr. Krabs said, actually happy about this progress

"I let her go," Squidward finally revealed

"You what?"

"Master, how could you do that?" Spongebob asked him

"I had to," Squidward explained simply.

"But why?" Mr. Krabs asked

"Because he loves her," Mrs. Puff explained

"Then why are we not human?" Spongebob asked

"Because she doesn't love him," Mr. Krabs said, "And now, it's too late."

"But she might still come back," Sandy said, having hope that she would

"No," Squidward shook his head, "I set her free. I'm sorry I couldn't do the same for all of you. Now, go. Our time is almost past."

Saddened by this news, everyone left the East Wing. Squidward meant what he said. He wanted to free his staff from the curse he placed upon them due to his own arrogance. But, if (Y/N) didn't return the feelings, there was no way to break the curse. The rose was on its last petal. There was no trying again. Squidward would have to live like this all alone for the rest of his life. But at least he was able to learn something from all this

'I was the one who had it all. I was the master of my fate. I never needed anybody in my life. I learned the truth too late. I'll never shake away the pain. I close my eyes but she's still there. I let her steal into my melancholy heart. It's more than I can bear,' Squidward walked out to his balcony to watch (Y/N) leave with Philippe.

'Now I know she'll never leave me even as she runs away,' Squidward made his way up the tower, 'She will still torment me, calm me, hurt me, move me, come what may. Wasting in my lonely tower. Waiting by an open door. I'll fool myself she'll walk right in and be with me for evermore.'

Squidward continued making his way up the tower, 'I rage against the trials of love. I curse the fading of the light. Though she's already flown so far beyond my reach, she's never out of sight! Now I know she'll never leave me, even as she fades from view. She will still inspire me, be a part of everything I do. Wasting in my lonely tower. Waiting by an open door.'

Squidward finally made it to the highest tower to watch (Y/N) leave.

'I'll fool myself she'll walk right in and as the long, long nights begin I'll think of all that might have been waiting here for evermore!'

(Y/N) raced out of the castle ground on Philippe's back. Meanwhile, back in the village, a horse and carriage arrived to pick up Maddie. Squilliam was going to send her to a mental asylum. While her ravings of an Octopus was one thing, Squilliam had convinced the villagers that it was beyond that to accuse him of murder. And the villagers believed him because he was famous in the town next to (Y/N). Pere argued that Maddie needed to go to a hospital for the injuries the three men had done to her, not to an asylum. Maddie was not mad, yet Squilliam had convinced someone that she was.

Maddie was shoved into the back of the carriage, ready to be sent off. But Squilliam had one last thing to say. Squilliam informed her that she wouldn't last a week in a madhouse. But all this could be avoided if Maddie gave Squilliam her blessing to marry (Y/N). Maddie had no plans to do that. So, Squilliam closed the doors, ordering the coachman to take Maddie away. But they didn't go far. (Y/N) had made it back to the village in time to stop the carriage from leaving. (Y/N) rode in front of the carriage, making the horses stop before they could hit her. Dismounting Philippe, (Y/N) went to the back of the carriage to see her mother. Maddie was so relieved to see that her daughter was alright.

"Let her out!" (Y/N) demanded the coachman, "She's hurt."

"We can't do that, miss," the coachman informed her, "But we'll take very good care of her."

"My mother's not crazy," (Y/N) turned to Squilliam, "Squilliam, tell him!"

"You know how loyal I am to your family but your mother's been making some unbelievable claims," Squilliam told her

"It's true, (Y/N)," Jean spoke up, "She's been raving about an Octopus in a castle!

"I've just come from the castle and there is an Octopus!" (Y/N) told him

"You'd say anything to set him free," Squilliam said, "Your word is hardly proof."

"You want proof?" (Y/N) turned to the mirror she had taken with her, "Show me the Octopus!"

Once Squidward was visible on the glass, (Y/N) showed the villagers the Octopus Maddie had been telling them about. Everyone gasped at the sight of him. Yet the only ones who didn't flinch were Pere and Patrick. But everyone else thought the Octopus was hideous! But now they knew the Octopus was indeed real.

"There's your proof," (Y/N) declared.

"This is sorcery!" Squilliam took the mirror from her, "Look at this Octopus! Look at his face! His tentacles!"

"No. Don't be afraid! He's gentle and kind."

The villagers mumbled among themselves at this unbelievable claim.

"The monster has her under his spell," Squilliam declared, "If I didn't know better, I'd say she even cared for him!"

"He's not a monster, Squilliam. You are!" (Y/N) sneered, "The Octopus wouldn't hurt anyone."

"I've heard of the effects of dark magic but I've never before seen it with my own eyes! This is a threat to our very existence!"

Everyone but Pere, Patrick, and Mindy cheered in agreement.

"We can't have her running off to warn the Octopus. Lock her up too," Squilliam told his goons

(Y/N) protested but she was dragged into the back of the carriage with Maddie. 

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