milf?? - oliver <33

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i lowkey loved the justin one so im makin this a seriesss !

"oliver.." you say, not making eye contact with your black haired boyfriend as he stood there in front of you waiting for you to tell him your "surprise"

"what is it beautiful?" he asks, smiling at you as you hold the positive pregnancy test behind your back

" we're expecting.." you say just as you hand him the positive test

he was a bit confused at first until he actually looked at the stick in his hand

he didnt say a thing, he just stared at the test in awe and you were terrified for what he was gonna say

he started crying, which made you finally look up and make eye contact with him

he comes over to you and picks you up while spinning you around

"im gonna be a father" he says happily, with tears streaming down his face as he stopped spinning you around

you smiled at him, knowing he was happy to be a dad was just the best thing youd ever experienced

"do you need anything? are you hurting? is the baby kicking? are you craving anything?" he asks quickly which makes you chuckle at how sweet he is

"no oli, im fine right now okay? but, thank you baby" you say before cupping his cheeks in your hands and pressing a sweet kiss to his lips

he engulfed you in a nice, warm hug and you just stayed like that for a few minutes

"oh my goodness, ive got to tell my family and the boys" he says before frantically trying to pull his phone out of his pocket

"shh, baby you can tell them later. lets just have this moment to ourselves so we can get familiar with the thought of us being parents" you tell him and he agrees, following you to the living room and cuddling with you for the next of the day

the next day he told all the boys and all of his family and they were definitely shocked but ended up being very very happy for you two and you were so glad that they were

the next day

"y/nnnn"  oliver calls from beside you, trying to wake you up

"yeah?" you say, sleepily

"im gonna need you to get up cause im taking you out today." he says before leaning over and kissing you on your cheek

"mmhn... fine" you groan, which makes him laugh as he gets up and walks to the bathroom as you just lay there staring at the ceiling

after a few minutes, he was done and you had to go throw up, once he heard you, he came in with you and held your hair for you

after you were done, you thanked him and he kissed you on the forehead

"its no problem baby, now lets go get you two fed" he says before bending down and kissing your belly which makes you smile

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