relapse? - darren <33

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lowercase intended

okay so before we get into it, this one's gonna be VERY specific (according to how y/n looks bc it was requested!)

⚠️ mentions of ed/relapsing/thinking of relapsing ⚠️

(y/n is blonde, a little over 100 lbs, and is about 5'2)

you had just gotten over your eating disorder and you're still trying to, it was a case of anorexia AND bulimia

you would binge eat or just snack for hours or even days and then starve yourself for months on end and feel guilty about both but you couldn't help it and this cycle had continued for years up until recently

and who had been there for you throughout the whole time? your mom and your boyfriend of 4 years, darren

you couldn't be more thankful for them and everything that they've done for your life and you love them with absolutely everything in you, but...

its been a week or two since you first started eating correctly, and it's hard. hard to not just slip back into old habits that you, weirdly, found a bit of comfort in.

you definitely didn't find comfort in having an eating disorder yourself, just comfort in the fact that you weren't alone, and knowing that other people struggled as much as you do

it was currently 3 in the afternoon, and you and darren had decided to drive the 2 hour drive to your moms house

but you had only been at your mom's house for a few minutes now, with the purpose of coming to celebrate her birthday with her but she was currently at work so you two decided that you were gonna surprise her

with your spare key, you unlocked the door to the house and both of you entered.

"we're decorating first right?" darren asks you as he closes the door, to which you replied a simple "yes"

after you two went and got a few decorations for the house, you obviously put them up all around the house

and after decorating
you had reached out to a few ladies she's friends with and family members to remind them to come over in about 2 hours and most of them agreed to !

"okay so, let's go run and pickup the cake before anyone shows up!" you say

"we already got enough cake here" darren says, coming from the bathroom

"what? no we dont, we dont have any cake at all??" you say confused

"damn that ass fat, y/n whatchu been doing??" darren says, before smacking your ass as he walks by you and to the fridge

"apparently fucking your dumbass" you say rolling your eyes as you finally get his joke, making him laugh as he opens his water bottle

"attitude much?" he says jokingly, coming up to you

"what are you gonna do about it?" you reply, still bent over the counter and scrolling through your phone

"i don't know, maybe i'll just fuck it out of you .." he bends down and whispers in your ear, which makes you turn around and hop up on the kitchen island

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