his parents - tristan <33

898 8 14

lowercase intended

(i literally have no idea what his family is like so im so sorry if this is inaccurate guys😭)

you and tristan had been going out for a while now, and he finally wanted you to meet his parents and you werent gonna lie, you were pretty scared

it was barely 8am and you were up stressing about whether you were going to make a good or bad first impression on your boyfriends parents and sister

"tristan, what if they dont like me? then what are we gonna do?" you asked, frantically pacing back in forth in your boyfriends living room in just one of his shirts and some short shorts

"baby, baby, calm down. from what i know right now, they absolutely adore you and im sure they'll love you even more once they get to meet you in person. youre literally the sweetest, thoughtful, caring, and most beautiful human being i know, besides my mother of course." he says, making you snicker at the last part, before he grabs you by your arm and pulls you into his lap on the couch and begins rubbing your back up and down to help calm you down

"i really hope youre right tristan, because i literally dont know what im gonna do if your parents dont like me" you sigh, nuzzling your head deeper into the crook in his neck

"hmm, im sure everything will be fine, mkay?" he says before turning his head to kiss your cheek

after about an hour or two, he took you home so you could get dressed and ready since you wanted to look EXTRA dressed up and cute today because you didnt want his parents to think you were lazy, or a whore especially since you were going out to eat so you thought about your outfit choice for 30 minutes to almost an hour and by this time

"y/n, baby, i think that outfit is perfectly fine okay?" he says, trying to stop your overthinking any further

"okay fine, well how do i look in it tristan?" you asked him, giving him a little 360 spin

"well, you look great in anything, but i think you look absolutely stunning in this baby" tristan says, coming up to you and wrapping his hands around your waist before kissing you on your lips softly, which made you smile and forget anything you were overthinking in that moment

"ready to go?" you ask him, and he just nods in response before kissing you on your forehead

his parents house was a 2 and half hour drive from where you lived so you two decided to leave right at 3

since the reservation they made at the restaurant was for 7

you grew anxious once again as seb pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant and began playing with your bracelets on your wrist

"mom just texted me, and apparently they're already inside" he says, turning the car off

"tristan, i dont think i can do this.." you say, unsure about whether his family would like you or not

"i promise its gonna be okay y/n, just be yourself okay?" he says, putting his hand ontop of yours reassuringly

and with that, you two got out of the car and headed inside the restaurant

you found his parents and sister sitting in a curved booth close to the back of the restaurant, you greeted them both and slightly bowed (i feel like its just a respectful thing to do tbh🤷🏾‍♀️)

you and his parents actually got along very well, just like tristan said you would but he hadn't told you that his sister would be there

right off the bat, you could instantly tell his sister didn't like you because her vibe was just off

she kept side eyeing you and glaring at you while everyone else was engaged in conversation

"so, mom, dad y/n was actually really nervous to come tonight because she wanted to impress you guys and she didnt think you'd like her. So, how do you guys feel about her?" he asked, already knowing the answer

"well dear, i think she's an amazing young lady- and shes beautiful too! you've got a good one, so keep her okay?" his mom tells him, as his dad nods in agreement, both of them with smiles on their faces

you happily thank them as your heart melts at his moms compliments, all the while his sisters just glaring at you and you notice out of the side of your eye but you decide to leave it alone

"tristan, shes literally a slut. look what she wore to this restaurant.. and you probably bought it" his sister said quietly to him, but you still heard her and your eyes went wide and before you could hide your reaction tristan had already seen you react

" first off, my girlfriend is not a slut or anything like it, secondly why are you being so rude to her when you barely know her? you need to tell her youre sorry right now cause she hasnt done anything wrong. And she actually got that beautiful dress on her own with her OWN money that she makes from her TWO jobs. or did you miss that part that first damn time?" he says, glaring at her as she glares at you

you were taken aback by tristans sisters words, and by now you wanted nothing more than to go back home, curl up in your bed and cry right now

"tristan, can we please leave..?" you asked him quietly while looking down at your fingers and he only nodded in response before kissing you on your forehead

at that point, both parents were back from the bathroom

" sorry mom and dad, but we're gonna go ahead and head back cause its a long drive and y/n doesn't feel too good right now" he says, apologetically

they tell you two goodbye and give you both hugs, not noticing the tears welling up in your eyes

neither of you said bye to his sister, which his parents did notice but said nothing about

as soon as you two stepped outside the building you burst into tears, as tristan immediately pulled you into his arms, not once questioning you and only comforting you

you didnt say anything and just hugged him back, you stood there for a few minutes before you wiped ypur tears - the ones that werent soaked into his button up- and kissed him on the cheek

you took his hand in yours and led him back to the car

"i love you tristan" you tell him, after you turn around to face him on his side of the car

"i love you too beautiful" he says, gently smiling at you before he brings you in for another hug and kisses you on your forehead once again

you both got in and started your drive back home, which ended with you asleep with his hand on your thigh

the enddd <3

i lowk loved this tbhhh, but i dont think his sisters like this irl ofc his family's prolly js as sweet as he is 🙌🏾

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