milff?? - kane <33

922 11 15

lowercase intended

you and kane had been together for almost 10 years now and were happily married

you two have been wanting a baby for a while actually, but due to you being infertile, you cannot physically have one yourself

and although kane was a bit upset about it, he wasnt mad at you because you couldnt help it, obviously

you two debated on other solutions and tried other methods to have a baby but you both could never really agree on one

after about a week after your argument with your husband about surrogacy and whether you should get a surrogate or not, you thought about adopting a kid instead.

(surrogacy = if a woman is unable to carry a pregnancy to term, gestational surrogacy may be the best option. surrogate = a woman who carries and delivers a child for a couple or individual. the surrogate provides her own egg, which is inseminated with the commissioning parent's sperm. This can be done using in vitro insemination (IVF) or artificial insemination)

you knew that kane had brought the idea up and he actually liked the thought of adopting, so you thought over it for a few days and decided that you wanted to surprise him by adopting a kid for you two

you went to the nearest adoption agency and checked it out to see if you were you sure you wanted to adopt from there- or adopt at all

you were shown all around the adoption center (idk if that's what theyre called)

they walked you around and let you see all the children that they had (this sounds illegal 😭😭)

you talked to some workers about possibly adopting and they talked you through all the legal issues and the mass amount of paperwork that would have to be done

you agreed no matter what

and thats how you got to where you are right now in the first place playing with a cute little 3 year old boy named jaedyn (pronounced jayden)

"are you gonna take me away from here foewever?" he asked slightly pouting

"i hope so jae jae" you say, before pulling him into a hug as he begins to smile

a few days later

today was the dayyy (friday), youd finally get to surprise kane with jae jae

you still hadnt told kane anything about jaedyn, and he STILL hadnt suspected anything with you asking him legal questions about a series of things

all in all, he just thought you were curious

it was currently 5pm, and kane doesn't get off of work til 9 pm so you and jae jae could go shopping for him some new things for a bit, but no too long

"jae jae, you ready to come home with me?" you asked the boy who was currently cuddled up to your chest, sleepily

he groaned in response, and figuring that he was tired you took him to the car and headed to the store so you could get this over with and so he could sleep

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