The Tale of Twin Hearts Chapter 1: An Unusual Adventure Begins

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Chatot never ceases to amaze me...


The Tale of Twin Hearts

Chapter 1: An Unusual Adventure Begins

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A Chatot started squawking and flapping his winging spastically to the point that I thought he was going to explode. Honestly, I'm not sure why he was so surprised, but the way he was acting, It seemed this place didn't get as many offers as I thought.

"A Chikotira, a Shinx, and a Buneary. What a trio. Hmm, Let me have a good look at you three..."

Slowly, the Chatot looks at each one of us. First, he looked at the Chikorita, then the Shinx. As soon as he looked at me, he paused and squinted. He looked at me as if I didn't belong; He wasn't wrong. The only thing that had me worried was that he spent so much time staring me down, I was starting to get uncomfortable. What was he looking for?

"...Alright, well, pardon me for my behavior," He said, straightening his posture. "My name is James Aerostine, but please, call me "Chatot". I am the Assisting Guildmaster and Head of Intel of the Wigglytuff Guild. If you have not heard about this establishment by now, we recruit Pokemon willing to dedicate themselves as Explorers and Rescuers, but I'm sure you know that by now. That's why you came here, isn't it? Now, please, head over to the Guildmaster. He's in his room over there. If you want to address him properly, call him 'Wigglytuff', alright?"

Entering the room, a Wigglytuff stood at the other end, smiling brightly, almost as if he was anticipating us. Walking up to him, he too looked at each one of us.

"Hiya! Welcome to the Wigglytuff Guild! Before I go any further with the recruitment process, may I please have your names and can you tell me a little bit about yourself? Let's start with you," Pointing at the Shinx.

The Shinx cleared his throat nervously and begins introducing himself.

"H-Hi, My name is Pumpkin and...I...uh, I...I'm a-I'm a Hu- "

"He's a friend of mine. He isn't usually this nervous, but I guess with all the new faces, he can't help himself," The Chikorita said quickly, covering the Shinx's mouth. With us knowing what he is (or used to be) and the fact that he lost his memory, I'd say that was quick thinking on her part.

"Oh! Well no worries, the Pokemon here are very friendly. I'm sure you'll feel right at home in no time!" Wigglytuff chuckled. Turning around, Wigglytuff started fumbling around before turning back to us. "Okay, what about you?"

Wigglytuff points to the Chikorita.

"My name is Miya. I am a Chikorita, of course, heh, and I am from the Islands of the Grand Sea," She said, her tone rather confident.

"Grand Sea? Wow, that's far! Still, it's quite the treat for the daughter of the famous explorers Nina and Blue to be here. A natural leader."

"...!? Wha-?! Wait, how did you-"

Wigglytuff waved his paw dismissively before Miya could finish.

"We used to be friends years ago, including your adopted father. You could say I'm a family friend," Wigglytuff giggled.

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