The Tale of Twin Hearts - Chapter 2, Page 1

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Hope this works. He's the only one who can remove them from existence...

Update: Fixed a lot of wording and other errors.


The Tale of Twin Hearts

(Chapter 2) Hot Head and A Thorn in My Side

Page 1:


Did you know that the way most Froslass move around is based on a dance? I didn't know either until my mother showed me. The first time I saw it, I thought it was amazing, so I asked her to teach me. She did her best, of course, but I couldn't exactly levitate around like she could. Still, she never gave up on me and I learned the dance the best way I could with two feet; One of my bigger accomplishments really...I can't wait to evolve so I can be just like my mother...

On another note, she also told me the way some Ghost Pokemon move is based on some form of dance while others just move how they like, you know, whatever works for them.

Now I know you must be thinking, "Why is this puffball lecturing me about Ghost Pokemon and Dancing?" Simple. Chatot can mooooove.

The moment Chatot readied himself, I knew we were in for something since I've never seen any of his stances before. The issue? He was too quick. We could barely see how fast he was moving before getting struck with Wing Attack. To top it all off, he did it with such style and grace that he even ended it with a pose. Although it was only one move, it was enough for me to understand the amount of force he put into it since it knocked Miya and Pumpkin down.

"Overflow, such a maaarvelous and POWERFUL ability!" He sang, his voice shimmered like an echo.

"...and yet-"

Feeling it was the best opportunity, I leaped at him with Endeavor. I knew if I used the damage he did to me as a counter, I could do some damage back at him. Big mistake.

"-anyone can use it."

With unbelievable precision, he grabbed my paw with his wing and spun me around before nailing me in the chest with a Shadow Punch. The force of the punch was enough to launch me back before tumbling into the sand.

Frustrated, Pumpkin scrambled to his feet and shook himself off before going on the defense.

"Chatot, I thought you were going to show us how to use Overflow! This feels more like a beatdown than a lesson!"

Chuckling, Chatot leaped back and perched himself on the edge of a palm tree leaf...somehow. The fact that the leaf didn't bend, it was like he weighed nothing. Closing his eyes, Chatot cuffed his wing together to his chest. In moments, a sharp burst of fiery light appeared. The light was overwhelming, illuminating the area around him. It almost looked like was holding the sun with flares emitting from its core, only purple.

"This here is my Energy, the same energy we all use for our moves. Using my own special technique, I can show you what it looks like on the inside. We all have energy and we all can use it in some way, but it depends on the Pokemon. Tell me, have you ever felt this energy inside of you slowly grow the more you fight?"

"Uh, now that I think about it, yeah I have," Miya said, with Pumpkin and I nodding as well.

Seeing us all in agreement, Chatot took a deep breath and dissipated his form, causing the light to explode in a showy fashion as he turns back to normal. "Good, good. Our energy grows the more we fight, however, a Pokemon could fight their entire life and never achieve Overflow. That's because it's all about Focus and Willpower. The stronger our will, the faster it grows!

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