The Tale of Twin Hearts - Chapter 1 Finale

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The Tale of Twin Hearts

(Chapter 1)

Page 4


"Loudred! LOUDRED!"

Entering the bottom floor of the Guild after escaping from that nightmare of a dungeon, Chatot called out with an unbelievably loud voice. Around the left corner of the room, a Loudred rushed over to us with an expression that he was prepared for anything.

"Chatot, I'm here! What's going on?"

"Loudred, I need you to go get Chimecho immediately!"

"Wha-? Did something happen?"

Stepping to the side, Chatot points to Pumpkin as Miya lays him on the floor. Although barely a scratch on him, Pumpkin was unconscious and shaking uncontrollably. His expression? There was none. It looked as if he had seen death face to face and honestly, it wasn't too far off from the truth.

"I'll explain what happened in a moment, for now, I need you to get Chimecho as soon as possible."


"Squawk! That's not what I meant! I asked you to go get Chimecho, not blow our ears out!"

"Sorry! To be honest with ya, I don't know where Chime is. The last time I saw her, she was-"

"Right here!" A voice said as a Pokemon came around from the opposite corner of the room. Right on cue, a Chimecho floated over to us with a sincere smile on her face. She was quite tall, which only added to her graceful demeanor.

"Is everything alright? I was preparing something special for dinner since we just recruited two new members to the guild."

Once again, Chatot gestures toward Pumpkin. Just watching him lay there on the ground, shaking like that, all I get was my stomach. It was like a mix between sorrow and guilt and it was not a pleasant feeling. I wish I could've been able to help him better when he was being pinned down by that bully-of-a-Pokemon, but how? If I didn't save the hostage, who turned out to be my childhood friend, would that have made me look? All of this was too much...

"My word! What happened to him? And who is he? I don't remember him being part of the Guild," Chimecho said as she floated over to him and gently touched his face.

"This is Pumpkin, one of the five new recruits. He was attacked by a monstrous Pokemon that I...I...I can't even fully describe. fortunately, he was left with just a cut on his face. I don't want to think about what would have happened if that Pokemon went through with his attack.

"Goodness...Wait, did you say five?"

"Yes. five."

"Huh!? Chatot, why didn't ya tell us about this!?" Loudred fussed.

Annoyed, Chatot glared at him, which was enough for him to look away nervously.

"They were last-second additions. I thought they were salespokemon or another one of those soliciting groups."

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