Chapter 68

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Curtis's gaze meets Darius's, his scarlet eyes holding a flicker of intensity. "The eagle attempted to get to her," he replies, his tone carrying a weight of history and unspoken tensions.

The memory of the fierce confrontation replays in my mind, the dance of power between two formidable creatures. Muir's evasion of Curtis's attacks is a testament to his agility and reflexes, showcasing a skill that demands respect.

As Muir soars away, a surge of anger radiates from Curtis, his eyes ablaze with a fiery intensity that mirrors the passion of the battle. The air seems to crackle with the remnants of their conflict, leaving an aftermath of tension that hangs heavy around us.

In the ensuing silence, broken only by the sound of our collective breaths, Curtis's gaze remains fixed on the spot where Muir had vanished.

His features are etched with a complex mosaic of emotions - anger, frustration, and an underlying vulnerability that tugs at my heartstrings.

The echoes of Muir's presence still reverberate through the cave as I turn to Curtis, my voice tinged with a mixture of uncertainty and determination. "Could you consider not ending his life?" I venture, my gaze imploring his scarlet eyes.

Curtis's reaction is swift and intense, his disbelief giving way to frustration. He turns to face me, his voice edged with a touch of exasperation. "Are you not seeing the danger here?" he counters, his emotions simmering beneath the surface. "He's an eagle beastman, part of a larger tribe that could be searching for you. You admitted to straying far from your origins."

His words strike me like a blow, and I bite my lip, grappling with the implications of his argument. Curtis's concerns are valid, and the gravity of the situation begins to sink in.

Meeting his gaze, I hold firm to my plea. "I understand the risks," I respond, my voice unwavering. "But I can't shake the feeling that there's more to this. Perhaps a tie or a misunderstanding that we're not seeing."

Curtis's frustration seems to deepen, his features etched with a mixture of agitation and concern. "Why the secrecy about your origins?" he demands, his voice sharp and probing. "You've kept your distance, claimed it's far - how far exactly? Do you have connections to Muir's tribe?"

His questions come rapid-fire, and I take a steadying breath, gathering my thoughts before responding. "I come from a distant place, but the ties are not what you're assuming," I explain, my tone measured as I try to convey the complexity of my circumstances. "I didn't share because I didn't want to burden you. And no, I don't have connections to Muir's tribe."

Curtis's scarlet eyes bore into mine, a mixture of skepticism and concern swimming within them. The tension in the cave seems to thicken, our words echoing in the confined space.

"You have to understand," I continue, my voice softening as I reach out to bridge the gap between us. "I didn't choose to be here. This place is foreign to me, and I'm trying to navigate it. Muir might hold some answers, or at least lead us to them. Please, Curtis, just for now."

His features remain tense, the conflict within him evident in the lines of his brow. The silence lingers, heavy and expectant with unspoken thoughts.

"You're asking me to spare someone who caused you harm," Curtis's voice holds a mix of incredulity and frustration. "Without fully explaining why."

I nod, my gaze steady and unwavering. "Yes," I affirm, my conviction undeterred. "Because there's a possibility that we're missing something crucial. Something that could shed light on the bigger picture."

The quiet that follows is charged with uncertainty, a fragile understanding forged amidst the clash of our perspectives. Curtis's scarlet eyes bore into mine, a silent exchange that speaks volumes.

Finally, he releases a sigh, his frustration yielding to a begrudging acceptance. "Alright," he concedes, his voice weary yet tinged with a begrudging understanding. "But know this - if Muir poses a threat to us, to you, I won't hesitate."

I nod in acknowledgment, gratitude swelling within me for his willingness to consider my plea.

Darius observes our exchange from the outskirts of the cave, his golden eyes flickering with a mixture of curiosity and concern.

As the tension between Curtis and me plays out, his instincts as a guardian seem to kick in, and he pads forward, his panther form exuding a palpable sense of vigilance.

As our conversation reaches its culmination, Darius approaches, his large head tilting slightly as he regards us.

His presence is a grounding force, a reminder of the bonds that have been forged between us during our shared journey.

He lets out a soft rumble, his voice a soothing undercurrent in the charged atmosphere. "What's the plan then?" he inquires, his tone steady yet tinged with a hint of caution.

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