Chapter 108

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Muir soared high above the treetops, his sharp eyes scanning the terrain below.
He knew he had to lead the colossals away from Julie.

With a powerful beat of his wings, he changed direction, flying away from her location.

In his talons, he gripped strands of Julie’s hair, the scent still clinging to them, a deliberate lure for the colossal beasts below.

The giant creatures roared, their massive forms crashing through the forest as they followed the trail of Julie's scent.

Muir’s heart pounded as he glanced back, seeing the colossals shifting their focus, their thunderous footsteps veering away from where Julie was hiding.

Determined to keep the danger far from her, Muir ascended even higher, leading the colossals on a wild chase.

The wind rushed past him, and the strands of hair fluttered in his grip, carrying the faint scent that kept the beasts on his trail.

As he flew, Muir felt a fierce protectiveness surge through him.

He would do whatever it took to keep Julie safe, even if it meant drawing the colossals' wrath upon himself. Yet, even as he pushed onward, his thoughts kept drifting back to her.

The image of her face, the sound of her voice, fueled his determination. He couldn’t wait to see her again, to reassure her that everything would be alright, and to feel the warmth of her presence once more.

With a cry, Muir pushed onward, leading the colossal beasts farther and farther away, knowing that each mile he put between them and Julie brought him closer to the moment when they would be reunited.


As we searched for Parker, the Queen's warriors—believing me to be Parker's mate—accompanied Darius and me through the dense forest.

We moved quickly, but I could tell the strain of the journey was wearing on everyone. Seeing their weariness, I decided it was time for a short break.

"We should take a short break," I suggested, pointing to the cool, inviting water of a nearby lake. "We need to stay refreshed if we're going to find Parker."

The Queen's warriors, loyal to who they thought was Parker's mate, agreed without hesitation. Darius gave a nod, allowing the brief pause in our search.

Once we reached the lake, I quickly removed my shirt and shorts, leaving only my bra and underwear, and dove into the water with a contented sigh. The coolness of the water was a relief after the relentless heat and tension.

"Finally, I get to take a bath," I muttered to myself, savoring the moment.

As I swam, my mind kept turning over our strategy. Outwardly, I was focused on finding Parker, but inwardly, I worried that Parker and Bai Qingqing might have separated. If we found Bai Qingqing without Parker, it could blow our cover. I needed to make sure we found him first to keep the deception intact.

"I need to find Parker quickly," I thought, planning our next steps. "Once we locate him, we can figure out where Bai Qingqing might be. For now, focusing on Parker is crucial."

Meanwhile, Darius instinctively stood guard near my clothes, his protective nature kicking in. When one of the warriors tried to sneak a glance at me, Darius growled low in his throat, making the warrior quickly avert his eyes, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment. The other warriors, catching on, turned their backs as well, respecting my privacy.

Refreshed and more determined than ever, I knew our rest would be brief. Once everyone was ready, I planned to lead the search with renewed energy, hoping that by finding Parker first, we'd be able to track down Bai Qingqing and keep our deception intact.

I Want A Lazy Life In The Beast World (Beauty And The Beasts Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now