Chapter 90

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Balancing personal emotions and strategic decisions is no easy task, but I'm committed to playing my part in reshaping the events of this world.

The dance between survival, strategy, and personal connections is just beginning, and I'm determined to choreograph it in a way that leads to a more positive outcome for everyone involved.

My throat feels parched, a sudden dryness that makes my voice crack as I speak.

"Muir, could I trouble you for some water?" The words come out almost like a whisper, my discomfort evident as I clear my throat.

He nods in understanding and moves towards the shelter's entrance.

As he leaves, my eyes follow him, and I can't help but blush at the view of his firm buttocks. I quickly avert my gaze, mentally chastising myself for allowing such thoughts to distract me.

"Wake up, Julie," I mutter to myself, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and amusement at my own reactions.

As I wait for Muir's return, my mind wanders, reflecting on the differences between this reality and the novel's storyline.

In the original plot, Bai Qingqing had been accompanied by Parker, his warmth providing her comfort through the cold night. But here, alone with Muir, I realize the importance of finding a solution to combat the chilly air that creeps into our shelter.

Options swirl in my mind. The first is to ask Muir to create a fire, providing both warmth and light to stave off the darkness. But then another idea surfaces—one that involves Muir's unique qualities as an eagle beastman. Birds, when incubating eggs, maintain a higher body temperature to keep their eggs warm. Could the same principle apply to Muir? Could he use his feathered form to provide warmth and comfort in the cold night?

My thoughts are interrupted as Muir returns, holding a container of water. He pauses when he sees me, his stance rigid and unwavering. It's then that I realize his state of undress, his naked form on full display. My cheeks heat up, and I shift my gaze away in an attempt to be discreet. The realization hits me—Muir's feathered form might indeed possess the warmth I seek.

As he approaches, I manage a grateful smile, accepting the water with a soft thank you. I take a sip, allowing the cool liquid to soothe my parched throat. But even as I drink, my mind continues to churn, evaluating the options before me. It's clear that a decision needs to be made, one that will provide both physical and emotional comfort through the night.

Muir's mind is a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions as he navigates this unfamiliar situation. He can't help but notice the way she seems to steal glances, her gaze lingering in places that make his pride swell. Is this her way of showing interest? It's a tactic he has seen other beastmen employ, a way to make females notice their virility.

And while he feels a certain surge of confidence due to his well-endowed attributes, he can't be certain that such displays will resonate with her in the same way.

"Does she like me?" The question echoes in his mind, a seed of hope that takes root and grows stronger with every interaction.

The memory of her smile, the way it lights up her face, fuels his desire to be close to her, to earn her affection and approval.

As he observes her, Muir finds himself drawn to the delicate curve of her lips, the sparkle in her eyes. She is different from any female he has encountered before, her uniqueness captivating him.

"Can I make her mine too?" The thought slips into his consciousness, a daring notion that simultaneously excites and unnerves him.

A glimmer of curiosity dances in his eyes as he studies her. Her body bears no marks of mating, a detail that intrigues him. The prominent tattoo he has seen on Parker's female, Bai Qingqing, is conspicuously absent on her form.

Muir ponders the implications, considering the possibility that she might not be bound to any particular mate. He recalls how she has interacted with the two males, how her affection for them is evident in the way she leans into their touches.

It dawns on him that her relationship with them might be more than casual, perhaps even involving the intimate act of mating. And yet, she seems mature beyond her years, her demeanor and actions speaking of a deep emotional connection.

"Should I make her like me?"

I Want A Lazy Life In The Beast World (Beauty And The Beasts Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now