Chapter 71

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She unnerved him, a fact he begrudgingly acknowledges. He doesn't want Bai Qingqing to be influenced by her, to adopt that same intimidating demeanor.

As the scent of the other female wafts toward him once again, his heart sinks.

The realization hits him like a ton of bricks. He messed up - he unwittingly stumbled upon the scent of the very female he hoped to avoid.

His chest tightens as he grasps the gravity of the situation.

Parker growls in anguish, frustration and regret churning within him. He understands Muir's intentions all too well.

The unmistakable scent of this unfamiliar female suggests that Muir is planning to snatch her from her mates.

Thus, means he will take her from her mates.

Panic claws at his chest as he realizes that this will inevitably lead to confrontation with the formidable female once again.

A shiver runs down his spine as he recalls her imposing presence.

He doesn't want to face her wrath, to be subjected to that intense scrutiny once more.

In his mind's eye, he can see her standing tall and unyielding, her eyes boring into his very soul. He has no desire to repeat that experience.

With a heavy heart, Parker comes to a decision.

He knows he has to intervene, to thwart Muir's plans before it's too late. But he also knows he can't face the formidable female - not yet, at least.

His only option is to run, to distance himself from Muir's scheme and hope that the other female won't connect him to it.

Determination settles within him as he sets his course.

He will seek out his father's guidance, beseech him to reach out to other tribes in search of the elusive mate Muir seeks.

He can't afford to let her be taken, not when the consequences are so dire.

Resolute, Parker turns away from the cave and its unsettling aura. His heart pounds with a mix of worry and determination.


In the leopard tribe's territory, where nature's beauty intertwines seamlessly with the majestic architecture of their palace, word spreads like wildfire.

Whispers carry on the wind, carrying the news of Parker's sudden departure.

The young leopard, known for his impulsive nature, has ventured into the unknown, leaving behind a trail of concern and questions.

However, the mother of Parker, a regal and dignified figure, stands within the grandeur of the palace.

Her eyes, a mirror of her son's, reflect a mix of worry and determination.

She's caught wind of the news, her heartstrings pulled by the weight of her maternal instincts.

As the whispers grow louder and the tale of Parker's journey reaches her ears, a sense of urgency ignites within her.

With swift grace, she makes her way through the corridors, her footsteps echoing with a certain authority.

A mother's love is an unwavering force, and she's prepared to wield it to its fullest extent.

In due time, the leopard king, a figure of immense power and wisdom, emerges from the heart of the palace. His presence exudes a commanding aura that speaks of his authority over the tribe and the land they call home.

His gaze meets the eyes of the mother of Parker, a shared understanding passing between them.

Without hesitation, the mother of Parker approaches him, her voice firm yet laced with a tinge of desperation.

"Your Majesty," she begins, her tone respectful but laden with emotion.

"Our beloved son has left our home, and I fear he has walked into perilous territory.

Rumors suggest that his mate has been taken by a snake feral."

Her plea hangs in the air, a plea that transcends titles and positions.

She beseeches him, not as the leopard king, but as a parent who can empathize with the depth of a mother's anguish.

Her eyes, mirrors of her son's eyes, hold a fervent hope as she looks to him for solace.

"Please, Your Majesty," she continues, her voice soft yet earnest.

"I implore you to take action. Our son may be headstrong, but he is still our pride and our future. I cannot bear the thought of him facing danger alone."

In the heart of the palace, under the watchful eyes of ancestors depicted in elaborate paintings, the mother of Parker lays her fears bare.

She seeks the leopard king's assistance not as a ruler, but as a guardian of their tribe's future. It's a mother's plea, a plea rooted in love and concern for her son's well-being.

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