Chapter One - Ship Wreck Island

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Ace's POV - 1703

"I still don't understand what we are doing here." Kyra whines as she followed behind our parents alongside me.

"Because Captain Teague has requested our presence." I stated bluntly at my younger sister.

"Okay, but why?" She asked, her eyes still puffy from waking up only moments before.

"We don't know yet." I replied.

"Ughhhhhhh can't I just go back to the ship?" She complained as she scowled.

"Kyra, you're six years old. You can't just go gallivanting back to the ship without supervision." I explained, rolling my eyes.

"You're ten and dad lets you go by yourself." She muttered unhappily.

"Because your sister is more responsible and can handle herself." My mother chimed in, carrying Davina's sleeping form.

"Unfair." Kyra rolled her eyes.

"Would you two stop bickering," my father grimaced, "I don't want you two embarrassing us in front of Captain Teague."

"They're just tired, darling," my mother soothes, brushing her hand alongside my fathers arm, "They're just children after all."

"No child of mine will act with such insolence." My father argued as we reached the doors to the room that the Brethren Court often used for their meetings.

My father stopped at the door before turning around to face us, "Now, I want everyone on their best behavior. No need to put any unnecessary stress on your mother."

"Yes sir." I answered sternly, turning to Kyra.

Kyra sighed dramatically before replying with curt, 'yes sir'.

"Very good," he said with a small smile, "Shall we?"

My father turned and opened the door to reveal Captain Teague sitting down at the head of the large table, playing his guitar.

"Captain Teague!" My father exclaimed with a fake smile, "How good to see you."

Captain Teague stopped strumming before looking at us. His eyes glanced at each and every one of us staring with my father, and ending with Davina.

"Lots of children." He commented, gesturing towards the dove of us.

"Hopefully there is room for one more!" my mother chimes in with her usual happy smile as she looks over at my father.

"I must commend you on your loyalty, Hector," Teague said, standing from his chair, "Not often do pirates have many children with one woman. Let alone marry."

My father chuckled nervously before looking at my mother, "She's the perfect woman."

"I see." Captain Teague replied as he say his guitar down.

"So what matter were ye wanting to discuss?" my father asked as he walked closer to Captain Teague.

"I have a favor," Captain Teague responded bluntly.

"Aye, and what would that be?" My father asked, squinting his eyes as he always did when he was puzzled.

"My son, you've heard of him, yes?" Captain Teague asked.

"Of course, his battle with Salazar didn't go unnoticed."

"I know," Teague shook his head, "And for that he has gained many enemies."

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