Chapter Fourteen - The Black Pearl

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Jack's POV - 1715

          Two days we were sailing, two days without Ace. They were the longest two days of my life. I was sure that she was worried sick. I sat in an empty cell, swaying with the ship. The water says first we're calm, then slowly turned for the worse. I listened as the men above scrambled to keep the ship on course through the storm, water slowly pouring into the cell, pooling at my feel.

          "Enjoying the storm?" The Captain asked as he approached my cell.

          "Yes, very soothing." I said sarcastically.

          "Wonderful," he said, "We should be arriving at our destination soon enough, I wouldn't get too comfortable."

          "Wouldn't dream of it." I replied.

The Captain disappeared and left me all alone again. It was odd, this whole thing was. I don't remember robbing him, so I wasn't exactly sure what the issue here was or where he was taking me. My gut told me that whatever it was, it wasn't good.

          After a while, the captain came back with two of his crew members.

          "Alright gentlemen, let's make this quick," he said.

The men unlocked my cell and grabbed me roughly.

          "Rough, just how I like it," I joked, aggravating them.

They pushed me up the steps and onto the deck. The  walked me over to the railing, as I looked below I was severely concerned. Below the ship was a large whirlpool, they weren't seriously going to toss me down there, were they?

          "The drowning isn't the worst part," the Captain said, "There are worse things than that down there."

          "What are you talking about?" I asked, trying to get free from the men.

          "When you get there," the captain said as he began to walk away from me, "Tell him, Captain Holt sent you to settle his debt."

          "Wait what?" I asked before I was hoisted over the railing into the sea

          As I opened my eyes, I thought that it was probably just a bad dream. But as I took in my surroundings, it quickly became clear that I was wrong. I was on a thin plank in the middle of nowhere in the pitch black. There was a few other men, shaking and whimpering.

          "Anyone care to tell me where I am?" I asked, looking at the other men.

          "Hell," one responded, his face covered in blood.


I stood up, looking out to hopefully catch a glimpse of anyone or anything that could help. Finally a ship came into view and I began to wave my hands above my head.

          "No, stop!" One of the men said.

Not comprehending, I continued to wave them over. The ship came to a stop and I finally felt a weight lift off my shoulders. That was until the crew began to jump off the ship. Each member was a different sea creature on legs. I was sure I was dreaming, that was until the captain stepped off.

          "Grab them all," he said.

The crew began to round us up, putting us on our knees before the Captain. When the captain came into view, I felt my body go numb. Davy Jones was real. He was every pirates nightmare as a child and here I was living it for real.

He went down the line, asking each of them if they feared death and offered them a choice. If they refused him, he killed them, if they didn't they were loaded onto the ship. When he got to me, he raised a brow.

          "You don't look familiar," he said, stroking his invisible chin with his tentacle.

          "Captain Holt sent me to settle his debt." I said without fully understanding what that meant.

          "Captain Holt," Davy Jones laughed, "That weasel thought he could outrun me, he's been trying this for three years now."

Davy Jones and his crew began to laugh.

          "Seeing as you're useless," Davy Jones looked to his men, "Kill him."

          "Wait! Wait!" I yelled, "I'll make a deal!"

Davy Jones stopped and turned towards me, "You're not even dead."

          "No, but I am about to be." I croaked, "Please."

Davy Jones looked at me for a moment, as if considering.

          "What is your name?"

          "Captain Jack Sparrow."

          "Sparrow, aye?" Davy Jones asked, "I've heard of you. You'd make a good edition to my crew. Very well then, what deal would that be?"

          "I want you to raise The Wench." I said immediately.

          "Ah, the ship of the great Captain Morgan." Davy Jones said, "Alright Jack, I'll give you thirteen years. Thirteen years and then I'm coming for you. We have a deal?"

I was hesitant at first. I knew that if i didn't take the deal, I would die, but if I took the deal, I would get thirteen more years. Thirteen more years with Ace. With that in mind I held out my hand, "We've got a deal."

Davy Jones' tentacle wrapped around my hand before I felt a rush of water over take me. I was catapulted on to the surface and into the air. I screamed as I fell back down, landing on my back. I groaned at the pain that spread along my back as I hit a solid surface. As I rolled onto my stomach, I realized that Davy Jones had granted my wish. Looking at the dark sails and dark demeanor of the ship, I realized that The Wench didn't suit such a grand ship.

          "The Black Pearl," I muttered as I walked up the steps towards the wheel.

I smiled as I gripped the wheel, it had been so long since I had seen this ship and I felt a strong sense of joy.

With a new sense of purpose, I looked towards the horizon, "I'm coming Ace."

And just like that, I was off, hoping that I would find her as soon as possible and I new just where to start.


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