Chapter Eight - Emery's Secret

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Ace's POV - 1705

          The adults sat at the dinner table while all the children sat around the fireplace. Delilah was an excellent cook. My mother and her used to trade recipe's and cook dinner together when The Davenports we're on the ship.

          "The food is wonderful, Delilah," My mother complimented.

          "Why thank you, Emery!" Delilah replied as she began to explain how she cooked the meat.

          "It is very odd," Jack said, leaning in to my ear.

          "What is odd?" I asked, knitting my brows together.

          "They are so normal. Didn't you say they used to be pirates?" He asked, looking over at Carter and Delilah with an odd expression.

          "They've had many years to adjust to a normal life, not all pirates take domestication as a curse." I replied.

          "They should. It's down right boring, if you ask me." Jack shook his head disapprovingly.

I rolled my eyes and continued to eat my food, deciding not comment further.

          "Wouldn't you rather have rum, dear?" My father asked, looking at my mothers glass of water.

          "Oh no, this is fine," she replied, fiddling with her fork.

          "Are you sure?" He pressed.

          "Delilah," Carter spoke calmly, "Would you mind getting Emery some rum.

          "Oh I don't think that's wise," Delilah replied, shaking her head.

          "What do you mean?" Carter asked, scrunching his face.

          "Water is fine," my mother said.

          "It's really no trouble." Carter smiled.

          "I really shouldn't." My mother spoke softly, avoiding my fathers questioning gaze.

          "Is something the matter?" My father asked.

Delilah and my mother glanced at each other, both of their eyes wide.

          "Enough girls," Carter said, "Out with it, both of you."

          "Carter, it isn't our place-"

          "What are you two hiding?" My father questioned, "Emery?!"

          "Delilah." Carter sparred his wife a warning glance.

Delilah looked over at my mother with a saddened expression.

          "Mother, what's wrong?" I asked, concerned by her expression.

My mother took in a deep breath before looking at my father, "I'm with child."

My father paled and Carter smiled while clapping his hands.

          "That's wonderful, Emery!" Carter exclaimed.

But the look on my fathers face suggested otherwise.

          "Another girl, I would guess." Carter clapped my father on his back.

          "According to the side-effects, it would appear so." Delilah replied with a weary smile, her eyes trained on my father.

          "Are you that far along already?" Carter asked.

          "Eleven weeks today." My mother stated.

          "That's so exciting!" I stood up with a smile as I walked to hug my mother.

My mother smiled and hugged me tight before pulling away and looking at my father.

          "Hector?" She asked, her eyes growing sad.

My father didn't say anything, he just stood and walked outside.

          "I've upset him," my mother said, her eyes watering.

          "No, don't you worry," Carter instructed as he stood up, "I'll talk to him, don't you worry about a thing."

          "Come on Emery," Delilah said as she began gathering plates, "Let's go to the kitchen and talk it over."

I watched as my mother walked behind Delilah, almost in tears.

          "That's exciting," Jack said from behind me, "Another sibling."

          "It is, which is why I don't understand," I replied as I turned to face him, "Why is my father so angry? He should be happy."

Jack offered me a small smile, "You heard Carter, don't worry. Come on, let's go keep the children occupied while they sort this out."

I nodded and followed him back towards the kids, sitting down once more.

I wasn't able to focus on anything. My heart was torn in two. On one hand no was excited. I would have another sister it would appear, on the other hand, I was worried about what my father would do. He has never been known to hurt my mother, but whose to say that would change. He's a coarse man after all, maybe this is the last straw. I decided to put that thought away, right now I needed to focus on my sisters.

          Night came quickly and soon we were saying goodbye to our dear friends. My father hadn't returned, he told Carter that he needed some air. He said he would meet us back on the ship. The walk back was quiet. My mother didn't say a word. She has tears in her red eyes, but she didn't cry in front of us, instead, she held Davina to her chest. Brushing her hand through her hair. Jack kept his eyes on my mother, I wasn't sure what was going through his mind, but judging by his eyes, he seemed to feel upset for my mother. My mother had been so kind to him these passed to years. Offering him just as much love as she did us. She was always defending him and backing up every one of his calls when he was making decisions. Never once did she ever get angry at him or doubted him. To her, he was just like us, her family. I always thought that maybe it was because of her loyalty to his mother, but then I realized that it was more. She had come to consider him as one of her own.

          "She's going to be okay," I whispered.

Jack broke his concentration and looked over at me, "I know."

He gave me a small smile before running ahead to try ship. Once we boarded my mother turned to me.

          "I'm not feeling well, will you take Davina and out her to bed please?" She asked, she looked exhausted.

          "Yes mother, of course,"

          "Thank you, my love," she replied with a sad smile, "You're an amazing girl,"

And with that she disappeared into he room.

It was late when my mother returned, he stunk of alcohol. He passed by us and walked up to the wheel. He didn't say a word, he just started to steer the ship mindlessly as he stared ahead. I've never felt more nervous in my life. Jack offered to steer at one point, but my father didn't respond. He just watched the waves as the crashed against the bow of the ship. Dead to the world.

This one was kinda sad, well not sad, more like depressing. I can't say it'll get better, but it can't get any worse.....right?

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