Chapter Four - Rock 'N Rage

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Ace's POV - 1703

          After breakfast, I figured it would do the girls some good to go outside. I took them outside and sat down in the dirt by the door as I watched them run around and play. They decided to play tag and poor Davina was getting tagged relentlessly due to her slow pace. It didn't seem like she minded, her little giggles never stopped the entire time as she tried to catch up to Kyra.

          "Be careful!" I reminded them as Norine almost ran right into Davina.

          "Enjoying the sun?" A familiar boyish voice asked.

          "It's a nice day out." I replied bluntly, not turning to face him.

I heard the scrap of his boots against the dirt as he moved to sit down beside me.

          "There are a lot of you, aye?" He asked, looking over at my sisters, "I bet you could fill an village with your lot."

          "It beats being alone." I replied, sparring him a glance.

          "What makes you think I'm alone?" Jack asked, tilting his head to the side.

          "The only people I've seen here, other than us is you, your father, and Bill." I explained, "It doesn't look like you have many friends."

          "Don't need 'em." He replied, "Can entertain myself if want to."

          "How? Playing tag alone doesn't seem very entertaining to me." I remarked.

          "Skipping rocks along the water, practicing my swordsmanship, things like that." He explained.

          "Skipping rocks?" I asked, tilting my head.

I had never heard of such thing.

          "You don't know how to skip a rock on the surface of the ocean?" His eyes wide with curiosity.

          "Is it an important skill?"

He burst out into laughter at my question, "It isn't a skill, it's a game, sort of."

          "I've never heard of such a thing," I replied, furrowing my brows.

          "Here, I'll show ya,"

Jack stood up and walked towards the edge of the ocean, picking up a rock at his foot before throwing it at an angle. I watched as the rock skipped a crossed the ocean surface four times before sinking to the bottom.

          "The point is to see how many skips you can get before it sinks," he explained, "what to give it a go?"

I stood up and made my way towards him, picking up a rock as I went.

          "Do I just throw it?"

          "You have to throw it at an angle or else it'll just sink immediately as if you were just mindlessly tossing it in." He expressed, "Watch this."

He threw another rock, but this time it only slipped twice, "Your turn."

I tried to mimic what he did, angling my arm a bit before throwing it. I was slightly disappointed when it barely skipped and sank almost immediately.

          "Let me help," he said as he handed me a rock and stood behind me.

He angled my arm up before instructing to throw it. This time it skipped five time.

          "See!" He exclaimed, "Much better."

          "Can we do it again?" I asked, suddenly intrigued by the simplicity of the game.

          "First one to get their rock to skip ten times wins," he said with a smile.

We took turns skipping our rocks, I managed to get one of my to skip seven times at one point. During the last round, Jack's rock skipped ten times, claiming him the winner.

          "Ha ha, I win!" He exclaimed rubbing it in my face.

          "Yeah yeah, at least I'm a better fighter." I chuckled as his face turned from happy to a slight pout.

          "You are not, I let you take my sword." He countered, "I was trying to be a gentleman."

          "Were you a gentlemen when you grabbed my leg out from under me and caused me to land on my back?" I asked, crossing my arms.

          "My father says that putting a woman on her back is the most gentleman way to do things," Jack said with a rapid expression.

          "I don't think that's what he means," I laughed, holding my stomach from laughing so hard.

          "What do you mean?" He asked, tilting his head.

I couldn't bring myself to answer. Here I am a ten year old, laughing at a thirteen year old for making a joke that he didn't fully comprehend.

          "Ace!" My fathers rough voice called, causing me to stop laughing and turn around.

          "Yes father?" I called back.

          "Come here, now!" He yelled.

I jogged towards my father, Jack behind me.

          "Is everything alright?"

          "Were you paying attention at all?" He asked angrily.

          "What do you mean?"

          "Davina fell and scraped her knees up and instead of watching her like you were supposed to, you were off dilly-dallying!"

          "Is she alright?" I asked, slightly in a panic.

          "No thanks to you!" He shouted, "You are supposed to look after them!"

          "She's just a kid!" Jack's voice rang in my ears.

My eyes widened in shock at his boldness.

          "Why should she be responsible for your children in the first place?" He argued, "If you aren't able to handle your own children, than how am I supposed to trust you as my first mate."

I didn't DARE look up at my father, not wanting to see his expression.

          "With all due respect, Jack-"

          "That's Captain Jack Sparrow to you," Jack challenged.

          "With all due respect Captain Jack Sparrow, my priorities to my family are none of your concern." My father said bluntly.

          "They are now." Jack hissed, "Show your family some respect, mate. Or I'll have no choice but to bring this matter to my father."

I spared my father a glance, seeing the anger as he looked directly at me.

          "Of course Captain," my fathers voice was laced with rage, "It won't happen again."

Jack nodded at his response, "It better not."

I watched as Jack walked passed my father, through the doors. Once he was gone my father grabbed my arm angrily.

          "I expected this kind of behavior from Kyra, not from you." He raged, "Disregard me again, and you'll be staying here by yourself."

I watched as my father disappeared after Jack with wide eyes.

What have I done.

Hey guys!!

Thoughts on Jack's protectiveness for Ace? How sweet is it that he's already protecting her so early in the story!!

I hope you guys are enjoying this so far!!

Love you all!!

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