Chapter Twenty-Nine - Silks and Sulks

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Norine's POV - 1718

         "No, too bright," I commented as the woman held up a yellow silk.

We had docked at Tortuga and I had decided to drag Veda along with me as I looked for silks and other things for Ace's wedding.

The woman held up a deep purple silk, that although was pretty, it didn't fit Ace's style.

          "What about the red?" Veda asked as she held up the piece of fabric.

          "No, no," the woman said as she yanked the silk from Veda, "This shade of red is bad luck on wedding day."

          "Perfect!" I exclaimed, "We'll take everything you have in that color!"

          "Didn't you hear her say it was bad luck?" Veda asked, turning so that her back was propped up against the front of the booth.

          "In her culture it is, judging by her accent, I'd say she isn't from here." I explained, "Besides, it doesn't matter. That is Ace's favorite color, therefore it will have to do."

          "I thought her favorite color was green." Veda said, tilting her head.

          "No, green is Davina's favorite color. Black is Rory's. Yours is purple. Kyra's is grey and mine is blue." I explained.

          "How do you know all that?" She asked, completely stunned.

          "I have the ability to listen to what other people say, unlike you." I smirked as I paid for the silk and began to walk away.

          "I listen!" Veda exclaimed as she ran after me.

          "Okay then, what's my favorite color?" I asked, stopping to look at her.

You'd think she'd remember consider I had just told her, but she stood there for a very long time as if she was completely at a loss.

          "Is it orange?" She asked.

I shook my head and sighed, "And you're the reason why men in our day have no faith in a woman's intelligence."

          "So it's not orange?"

          "It's definitely not orange,"

I continued to laugh at her until I noticed Davina and Kyra walking through the streets with concentrated expressions. Their right hands rested on the hilt of their swords that were strapped to their left sides.

          "Everything alright?" I asked, slowly walking towards them.

           "Have you seen Ace?" Kyra asked.

          "No, last I seen her, she was on the ship." I replied, "Why?"

Davina and Kyra shared a glance that told me everything I needed to know.

          "You lost her, didn't you." I sighed, running a hand over my face, "The wedding is tonight. You need to find her immediately."

          "And what are you going to do?" Davina asked.

          "Veda and I have a wedding to set up on the other side of the island," I explained, "I swear, if you do not have her there by sunset, I will end you both."

Kyra chuckled at my threat while Davina gulped loudly. I plastered an unnerving smile on my face before replying in a cheery voice, "See you tonight!"

And with that, Veda and I sauntered off to go set up the wedding of a lifetime.
Ace's POV - 1718

          Before you say it, no, I am not hiding. I am just concealing myself from unwanted company. And by concealing I mean that I am quite literally sitting in Carter Davenports living room. Did I tell anyone? Ha no. That would be the exact opposite of what I'm trying to achieve. I'm still a bit confused. I never took Jack for a liar. And yet he still had said barely two words to me in a few days. Is he hinting that he doesn't love me? Is he waiting for me to call of the engagement so that he doesn't have to? I have completely ignored the possibility that my father has something to do with this because Jack enjoys angering him too much to back out now. So why? Why is he being guarded now? He's not a particularly nervous person so I doubt it's cold feet. The only conclusion I have is that he doesn't love me. A sad revelation, but if that's how he feels then I shall respect that.

          "Are you sure everything is alright?" Leon asked, sitting next to me with two teas in his hands, "Is there anything I can do?"

          "No, i don't want to trouble you further," I replied, taking my tea from his hand and sipping lightly.

          "It's no trouble, really," Leon smiled, "We're friends after all."

          "I appreciate it," I said, offering a smile of my own.

          "With that being said," he spoke up as he began to stand up, "I would think that you would forgive me,"

I watched curiously as he walked towards the door.

          "Forgive you for what?" I asked, tilting my head.

Leon gave me a tight smile before opening the door.

          "WHERE THE BLOODY HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Kyra yelled as she entered the home, "I HAVE BEEN LOOKING EVERYWHERE FOR YOU!"

          "We," Davina corrected as she entered behind Kyra, "We have been looking everywhere for you."

Ignoring them, I looked over at Leon with a scowl. Leon just shrugged and walked into the kitchen, leaving me alone with them.

          "We are running out of time," Davina said, looking at Kyra.

          "I thought we were staying docked for a few days," I commented.

Jack announced to everyone that we would be staying for at least three days. We aren't exactly pressed for time.

          "Not that time," Kyra said as she walked over to me and took the tea.

          "Hey!" I exclaimed, "GIVE THAT BACK!"

Davina pulled me up by my arm with a smile, "Oh no, we have work to do."

Davina dragged me out of the house, Kyra behind us.

          "Thank you Leon, you're a dear!" Kyra yelled as she grabbed my other arm, "Is it just me or has he gotten cuter?"

          "He's okay," Davina replied.

          "Mind telling me where we are going?" I asked, attempting to pull my arms from them.

          "Ohhhhh don't worryyyyy," Kyra smiled, "Just enjoy the ride."

          "Walk." Davina said simply.

          "What?" Kyra asked, furrowing her brows.

          "Enjoy the walk, we aren't on horse back."

Kyra rolled her eyes, "whatever."

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