Chapter Twenty-Four - Perfect Woman

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Jack's POV - 1717

Once again, I sat in Barbossa's office. He was so obsessed with his latest expedition idea that he was more than determined to get it approved. Of course, I wasn't going to let it happen, not while I was captain. It was too dangerous, and for me to say that, you know it's bad. I watched as he argued with Mr Gibbs. Bill sat beside me, rolling his eyes and scoffing at him. I was beginning to think my father made him my first mate as a joke. I mean what exactly did he see in the man. His ideas were radical, he had no problem with endangering anyone aboard with this expedition, and don't even get me started on how he treats his girls. My girl most importantly. And Rory of course, can't forget about that little devil.

          "Jack," Mr Gibbs interrupted, "Will you please explain to him, once again, why this is too dangerous."

          "Hector," I replied, sitting up a bit, "It's too risky, the outcome isn't worth it."

          "That outcome hasn't even been proven." Hector argued, "It's a silly myth that no one has ever been able to explain where it came from or how it started. For all we know, it was a bunch of pirates who wanted to keep it for themselves."

          "You're right, which is why we can't take the risk." I replied, huffing slightly.

          "I think you're going soft, too afraid to take risks," Hector spat, "I think your involvement with my daughter has clouded your judgement. Maybe we should drop her off somewhere until you can think properly again."

Hector stood up abruptly, causing me to jump to my feet.

          "Ace isn't going anywhere," I replied, "As for my involvement, she isn't married and she hasn't done anything wrong."

          "And it should stay that way," Hector said, "Women are a bad omen to have on a ship."

          "Was your wife a bad omen?" I asked, earning a gasp from the boys.

          "What did you say?"

          "If you truly believed that women are a bad omen, why was Emery on the ship?" I reinstated.

"I ought to strike you where you stand." Hector threatened.

"Like you did Ace?" I questioned, "Tell me, what kind of man brings their youngest daughter to a brothel to watch the door while he gets off to a whore?"

Hectors eyes were red with anger as he began to stomp over to me.

Mr Gibbs and Bill immediately went to go stop him.

"You will regret that, Jack Sparrow." He said darkly.

"Idle threats won't help you here," I called as I left Barbossa's office.

That man is the most hypocritical man I have ever met in my life, and I've been around plenty of stupid pirates. I walked up the top deck, intended on steering my concerns away, when I caught a glimpse of Ace talking to Davina. Ace seemed to be explaining something to her due to how Davina was nodding and looking at her with interest. I decided to scare her so I ran behind her and slightly pushed her. I regretted it as soon as I did it. Ace had her sword unsheathed so quickly and pointed it at my throat. Her angry expression was both intimidating as well as a turn on.
Once she realized it was me she huffed and sheathed her sword.

          "You can't keep doing that," she said as ash pulled me in for a kiss.

          "Oh but the outcome is so enjoyable," I chided as I kissed her again.

          "Okay you two, get a room," Davina joked, "And lock your door."

          "If only," I replied as nipped at her neck.

          "Jack," she scolded playfully causing me to pull away, "What were you two talking about?"

          "Norine is getting worse," Davina said with sad eyes, "I'm starting to worry."

          "Are all of you so keen to worry?" I chided as I pulled Ace to my side.

          "Very funny," Ace said as she jabbed me in the side with her elbow.

          "Has her fever broken?" I asked, slowly becoming more serious.

          "Yes and no." Davina explained, "It comes in waves."

          "Are you positive it's just a cold?"

          "All signs point to it, I just don't understand why it's taking a while for her to recover. She usually bounces back quickly." Davina explained.

          "She's a Barbossa," Ace said while putting her hand on her sisters shoulder, "She'll get better."

          "I sure hope so," Davina said with a worried smile, "Anyways, I should get back to her."

I watched as Davina left before turning to face Ace, "Are you feeling well?"

          "Yes, Jack," she smiled, locking her arms around my neck, "I feel great."

          "You look great," I smirked as I kissed her again.

The kiss begin to get rougher and I smirked when she let out a small moan, "We could always disappear for a couple of hours."

          "Mm as much as I'd love to, I have to make lunch," she explained.

          "Norine needs to get better, fast." I said.

          "Why's that?"

          "You're always so busy, I just miss you always being around me."

          "Jack, I am always around you," she laughed.

          "You know what I meant." I rolled my eyes.

          "Once she gets better, I'll be all yours," she smiled, "Maybe you'll finally get to make good on all your teasing."

         "All trust me, love. I will."

          "I'm counting on it,"

With that, she walked away. I sighed with a smile as I approached the wheel. Not that I'm a needy man, but I was starting to get real wound up, fast. My want for her was becoming more and more unbearable by the second and I was about to lose it. But at the same time, I didn't want to rush things, crazy I know right. Me, I don't want to rush things, how weird. Maybe Barbossa was right, maybe she was changing me. But only for the better. She was the perfect women after all. And all mine.

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