Ep4 S1 School Trip

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Olive woke up earlier than usual for the school trip. Since her wee day off yesterday she was feeling a lot more energetic and less like shit. She got out of bed after quickly checking her phone and started to get ready. They were going to an ink farm/petting zoo today so she wore something a little more warmer than usual. After doing her makeup, having breakfast and brushing her teeth she headed downstairs to put her shoes and jacket on.

She quickly grabbed the packed lunch she had made the night before, which consisted of pesto pasta and a snickers, she never really ate a lot away, it always gave her a sickly feeling. Plus, since like most of the girls in school, and some of the boys, hated her she always felt like she had to look her best, be petite and gorgeous. Especially because of all the boys drooling around her. She made her way out the house and decided to walk through the woods near her house because she still had ages till she had to be at school so she wanted to take the scenic route.

It was going pretty well, having a cigarette and listening to music, through one earphone (Is it just me that does that?), while walking until she could swear she could hear footsteps around her, she brushed them off thinking it was probably just a bird or something, but the footsteps never left her ear. She continued her walk even though the footsteps were putting her off until she felt something hard ram into her and realised that it was in fact someone in the woods and she was just tackled by said person.

"Hey! What the fuck!?" She shouted.

She pushed him off and realised who it was. It was Emily's brother, Miles.

"I heard you beat up my sister, slut." He said, venom on his tongue.

"Yeah, what you gonna do about it?" She replied.

He ran at her, pushing her into one of the large trees surrounding them, punching her in the stomach continuously. She managed to push him off, tackling him to the floor sending punches back at him. He pushed her off and straddled her so she would stay in place, pulling something shiny out his pocket.

"Woah! Come on, man, don't be a pussy!" Olive spat at him. "Use your fists like a real man!"

He had gotten tired and stabbed her in the arm, Olive let out a cry of pain and turned around turning him around with her. She got up and stomped right on his chest, winding him for a moment, before she took of running, holding her open wound.

AN: I know this but seems a bit far fetched but I'm literally basing it of what happened to someone at my friends school lol.

When she got to school she immediately ran to the bathroom to clean up. Removing her hand from the wound she could see the thick red substance covering her hand. She went under the sinks to find the emergency kit, that the girls had all came together to buy, and pulled out the bandages and alcohol wipes, her hoodie and jacket were in her bag so she didn't have to worry about them having a slash but her long sleeve shirt wasn't as lucky.

She took the bandages and wipes into a stall, just incase someone was to walk in, and once the door was closed and locked she took off her shirt. She cleaned the wound and started to bandage it, tying it off afterwards and pulled her shirt back on, pulling her hoodie and jacket over it. She made her way out of the stall, putting the emergency box back under the sink, and made her way to find Mitchell before getting on the bus.


Everyone was now on the bus with Miss Gulliver and Miss Mollinson's class, Olive of course sitting next to Mitchell, getting ready to go to the ink museum and petting zoo.

The bus was chaotic with people shouting, finding seats and Mitchell and Olive daring Joe to do the most stupidest things.

"Can everyone please be quiet?" Mr Wickers shouted over everyone.

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