Ep5 S1 Football Match

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Mitchell awoke to the sound of a police siren outside, he rolled over to check his digital clock that sat on his bedside table. 04:37. He silently cursed the siren and rolled back over coming face to face with Olive, still sound asleep. Mitchell stared at her, thinking of how perfect she is and what he did to deserve a friend like her... friend... something about using that word to describe Olive felt almost weird to him.

It was now that he realised that he wanted her to be more than just his friend. He wanted to be more than best friends. He needed to be more to her. He wanted to be there when she's sad, when she's happy, her good days, her bad days. He wanted to be with her all the time.

He was doing to do it.

He was going to ask her out.


Mitchell And Olive were currently on their way to school. All that was going through Mitchell's head was all the possible outcomes of asking Olive out.

"Ew no, you're so not my type!"

"Sorry, I only like you as friend..."

"Oh, um... sorry I don't really like you like that and I think it's better to go our separate ways to avoid the awkwardness..."

And his personal favourite

"Yes, of course!"

But he was still scared, even if there was a chance she would say yes.

"So, Oli... I've got something I've wanted to ask you for, well, quite a while now..." Mitchell said quietly,

"What is it?" Olive smiled at him.

"Well, I was just wondering if." He stopped in his tracks, making Olive stop aswell and face him. "Do you maybe... ah! Forget it, it's stupid anyways." He started to walk away again.

Olive caught to him before grabbing his arm, pulling him back.

"No, come on. What is it?" She asked concerned. "Everything's okay, right?"

"Yeah, yeah everything's okay. I just wanted to ask if maybe... youwannagooutwithme?" He said quickly, squeezing his eyes shut scared of her reply.

She stood in silence for a moment. Stunned. Mouth slightly agape.

"Sorry! Forget I said anything." He started to speed walk away, before getting pulled back again.

She smashed her lips into his, he could taste her cherry lip balm as their mouths moved in sync, they were like two pieces of a puzzle. She had her hands on either side of his head as his hands moved to her waist.

They pulled away, placing their foreheads together.

"Does that answer your question?" She said softly, smiling.

He just slowly nodded. Before they continued to walk to school. His hand not leaving her waist the whole time.


Class K was all sat around a large circular table with their finger on a make shift ouji board. Mr Fraser burst in, ruining it.

"Yo, what's going down, my... n-word?" He announced as Jing got scared and took her finger off before wiping it on her blazer before placing it back with everyone else's fingers once again.

"Shush, Fraser! You've ruined it." Alfie said, annoyed.

"What the Harry Hill? Are you...?"

The class then all sat back, sad that they couldn't get the chance to talk to the dead. Mitchell's arm then slid around Olive's shoulders as her head found its way to his shoulder.

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