Chapter 3; Final Selection

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It's been two years since I've arrived at the old mans hut and I'm finally able to feel again. Giyu and the old man were shocked to see me smile for the first time. I smiled on the day Giyu became a hashira, he had been sent on a mission and he ended up defeating a twelve kizuki. When he got back, he told us the news and I cracked a smile.

It's been a year since that day and it was finally time for my final selection. Giyu had described a mutated demon and told me to watch out for it. I finally arrived at final selection and walked inside. I was looking for the mutated demon Giyu was talking about. On the sixth day I finally found it

"Ooh another one of Urokodaki's students I wonder how you taste" The demons arm shot towards me as I sliced off its arm running towards the demon. I was angry that Giyu and the old man were put through the pain this demon gave them. But I controlled my anger and jumped into the air "Water breathing second form water wheel". The downward slash cut off three of the demon's arms

I ran at the demon seeing the opening to it's neck. "Water breathing fourth form water surface slash". My sword broke when I struck the demons neck. The demon was about to grab my head. Right as the demon closed its fist I bent my body backwards and the demon ended up punching my stomach sending me flying into a tree. Most of the impact went to my head. My eyes were slowly closing as the demon was about to make a finishing move but noticed the sun was about to rise and fled.

I was about to lose consciousness but something told me not to. I limped out of final selection. Picked my ore got my measurements taken and got the wisteria engraving on my hand before going home. I've been walking for a while now and it was getting dark. My vision was getting darker and my head was spinning a I finally made it back to the hut.

I felt my body go limp. I heard the shoji doors opened, as well as two pairs of footsteps coming towards me "Rhea!! We need to get you inside can you move? Rhea don't go to sleep come on stay with me". Everything was blurry. I couldn't focus on anything my whole body hurts and i'm so tired I have to sleep. I can't resist it any longer

"RHEA!!!". Everything went black

Giyu's POV

I was talking to Urokodaki while he cooked. We were waiting for Rhea to get back from final selection, we had decided to cook her favorite food to celebrate but she still wasn't back yet. "She's okay Giyu she's strong" Urokodaki said stirring the hot pot. "So was Sabito but look where he is". Awkward silence filled the room and I felt bad for saying that Urokodaki did nothing wrong "Sorry" I looked at the floor "It's okay Giyu"

Urokodaki patted my head and dished my plate before dishing his own. "Rhea knows what she's doing Giyu. She was a trained assassin, yes she forgot but if she's in a bad situation she'll remember. Also I talked to master ubyashiki and he isn't going to give you any missions for a week to give you time to be with Rhea". Urokodaki has always been a father figure for me and I felt some closure knowing that when Urokodaki says something it's usually correct.

We both heard a thud outside "Grab your sword and be prepared for anything". Urokodaki grabbed his sword and opening the shoji doors. I saw Rhea on the ground barely conscious. I ran over to the black haired female on the ground "Rhea!! We need to get you inside can you move?" Rhea wasn't responding. Her eyes started closing "Rhea don't go to sleep, stay with me. Come on!! Rhea's eyes were closing even more and lost consciousness "Rhea!!!" I smacked her face but she didn't wake up

"Come on Giyu lets get her inside" I picked up Rhea and ran inside placing Rhea on my futon and saw her head was bleeding "Shit! She must've ran out of bandages during final selection" I wrapped Rhea's head and let her rest before leaving the room and going over to Urokodaki "I don't know if she'll be okay" Rhea was the only thing on my mind and I only wanted her to be safe "Giyu I promise you that she'll be alright just give her time to rest" Urokodaki filled up a bucket of water and soaking a rag and placing it on Rhea's forehead

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