Chapter 4; gone

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Giyu's POV

two weeks later I finally had the chance to go to Urokodaki's and visit. I've been so busy that I couldn't even write a letter. But the demons started slowly disappearing yesterday by an unknown demon slayer. I wonder how Rhea is doing I hope she's awake. I made it to Urokodaki's house and saw Rhea's futon is empty 

"Urokodaki where's Rhea?" I was happy Rhea was awake but she wasn't anywhere in sight. I really wanted to see her "Rhea woke up a few days ago and was sent on a mission she told me wrote me a letter telling me that she's going to be gone for a while" I felt shocked, she was already sent on a mission right after waking up from a coma 

Rhea's POV 

"Ugh this demon is so annoying" I've been staying in a small town west of Tokyo hunting a demon that has been controlling people in their sleep but I can't pinpoint where the demon is located I've saved the people that were being controlled every single time so there's no doubt that the demons going to go rouge and that'll be my chance 

I sat on a small bench watching the walk by without a care in the world. Unbeknownst to them there's demons that are waiting for to strike. Too many people have been killed by demons and I will make every single demon that crosses my path. Soon it had become nighttime and I heard some walking down the street. Her eyes were closed she was being controlled. I decided to lay low and follow the girl to the demon.

As the demon was about to bite the girl I charged "Water breathing fourth form: striking tide" I sliced off the demons arm but received a blow to my should in return. I grabbed the woman and ran into the trees hiding her before turning to the demon. I got into a stance "Water breathing Eight form waterfall basin" I charged at the demon but it avoided the attack.

This demon was really annoying me now, we've been exchanging blows for an hour and I needed to end this now, as the demon was about to claw me I stopped. "Water breathing first form: water surface slash" I finally decapitated the demon but before it died it grabbed my leg sinking it's nails into my skin laughing manically and dying. I looked at my leg confused "What the fuck" 

I grabbed the girl bringing her back to her home and going back to the wisteria house I was staying at. I sat down on my futon, something felt off but I couldn't figure out what. A sudden headache and sickness came over me. Holding my head I groaned in annoyance, laying back as I reached into my small bag pulling out some pain killers and some water chugging it down. I stare at the ceiling feeling the headache slowly going away as I fell into a deep slumber 

The next morning I put on my haori  and walking back to the old man's hut. I got there and found it covered in blood, I saw Giyu and Urokodaki both lifeless on the ground their stomachs slit open with a note. "Rhea, me and Urokodaki put our faith in a demon we made a vow that if she ever ate a human we would slit our own stomachs. We got news this morning that she had eaten a human along with her older brother. I hope you can forgive us for this we love you and we'll always be watching over you- Giyu Tomioka "

I covered my mouth with me hand holding back a shaky sob. I went outside and began digging their graves holding back my tears. This is the price you pay for being weak. You put your faith in someone that had no potential and it ends with you at deaths door. I carried Giyu and Urokodaki's body in their graves before burying them. "Goodbye my family" I got up and walked away. 

I walked up onto a small hill sitting down and burying my head in my hands. Something was different and I couldn't figure out what, I knew it wasn't the death of my only family. My eye's widened when I noticed that I couldn't feel anything, now I was desperate to feel something I began thinking of Giyu and Urokodaki but I didn't feel sad. I punched my self no pain. I cut my hand again no pain. I threw myself down the hill but still didn't feel anything 


A year has passed and I couldn't bring myself to go visit Giyu and Urokodaki, not once have I went back to that hut. I was currently walking down a familiar street even though I don't recall ever walking down this road. I was sent on a mission to go aid the Mizunoto on Mount Natagumo  

I could feel the over whelming strength of the demons in that mount as I walked up a path I heard a boy yell. I ran over and saw him encased in webs. I quickly cut the webs freeing the boy looking at the demon in front of me "Lower rank 5. I can work with this". Began running at the demon "Water breathing ninth form splashing water flow" I decapitated the demon not caring about the boy laying on the ground but his presence was too pure for me to notice the demon girl 

I threw a bundle of bandages at the boy before jumping into a tree and observing. After a while there were no more demons in the mountain. I jump down the tree and began walking away when I notice Giyu? I must be hallucinating I thought to myself ignoring the figure and kept walking 

"Rhea?" I didn't react I've been having hallucinations of Giyu and Urokodaki for a while so I'm used to it. "Wait that girls a demon" I ran at the demon girl when the hallucination of Giyu blocked my sword. Something clicked inside me I've never been able to touch a hallucination before that means "You're alive" I hugged Giyu quickly making him shocked "Why wouldn't I be alive Rhea" he looked really confused "Let's talk about that later but first I need to kill this demon" 

Taisho Era Secrets 

Rhea doesn't remember her past after she stopped getting the urges to kill it was like she lost her whole memory of being an assassin or her backstory she just remembers living with Urokodaki and Giyu 

When the demon grabbed her ankle it made her hallucinate her biggest worry due to a non-Lethal poison her biggest worry was Giyu and Urokodaki dying. So during that whole death scene she was still in the Wisteria crest until she walked up the mountain 

Rhea's last name is Semitchita but when she was taken to the assassins main building she was put under psychological torture to make her the perfect assassin. She was so traumatized that she forgot her everything except her first name, job, and backstory (her parent's getting killed by demons) 

Rhea suffers from memory loss but no one realized it 

Rhea is now a hashira  

 Word count: 1,209

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