Chapter 5; Against corp rules

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I ran at the demon unsheathing my katana. "Water breathing first form water surface sla-" Giyu grabbed my leg pulling me to the ground. "I won't let that happen" I groaned in annoyance kicking him in the face making his nose bleed, getting up and running towards the demon. "Nezuko run" I knocked the boy in the checkered haori running after the demon girl.

Right as I was about to cut off the demon girls head she shrunk in size and continued running "Why isn't she throwing out an attack". Something heavy fell onto my back. Giyu turned me over onto my back "Rhea please stop, just trust me don't kill that demon". I struggled against his weight barely able to breathe. "It's my job to kill demons just because my trainer told me not too doesn't mean i'm going to listen" I noticed the demon was getting away and I struggled harder

"Very well then, you've left me no choice". Giyu put his entire weight on my body and covered my nose and mouth with his hand restricting my blood flow and breathing. I struggled with all of my might but all it did was make me even more exhausted. I had one more chance and that was too kick him where the sun doesn't shine, but he was holding my legs down knowing what I was planning on doing

I felt my eyelids get heavy. I grasped the little strength I had left and threw a wisteria kunai at the demon before feeling my eyes close and my body drifting into unconsciousness

Rhea's Dream. (Tw warning: Rape, Molesting, torture, kidnapping, suicide attempt, murder, and being eaten)

I was walking down a road with the rain falling down my face, I couldn't tell if it was the rain or my tears making my face wet. I had just heard my family get brutally murdered by Muzan, We were playing hide and seek and they couldn't find me. I heard someone knock on the front door and I was about to come out of my hiding spot but I heard my older brother open the door.

I heard screams lots of them I had to cover my mouth with my hands to make sure I wasn't heard. Soon the screaming had stopped and I heard something that sounded like bones crunching and a wet sound soon I heard footsteps leaving our house. I opened the toy box and climbed out seeing my families lifeless bodies but my brother choking on his blood. "Brother!!! Are you alright do you need a bandage".

I was too young to realize that he had fatal wounds and wouldn't survive "Rhea I need you too run as far as you can okay and don't look back. You need to live for us. We'll be with you the whole way even if you can't see us. Take my bracelet to remind you of me. I love you Rhea carry out the Semitchita will. G-Goodbye" my brothers eyes closed and I got up and ran for hours before stopping on a street to catch my breath.

"Hello young lady where's your parents". I looked at the man in the suit quietly, he didn't look like a threat. "T-They're gone" I couldn't take it anymore and broke down in sobs "Oh poor girl, I have to go home to my family and unfortunately I can't take you in. But here's some money and you can get yourself some food". The man walked away and I continued walking down the street

I felt something cover my mouth. I woke up in a small mouth seeing my body without clothes on. My boss said he did it to train me and I accepted it. I would get raped, touched, and tortured for hours and I was turned into a cold blooded killer. Every time I resisted a mission the process happened all over again. I couldn't take it anymore and I tried to kill myself it only made the process happen again so I learned to not feel.

I couldn't believe I forgot this. Does this mean that being hunted. Every time an assassin runs away they hunt them down for years. Because they can give away secrets if they're ever tortured, we were also chipped so they could find us.

Back to reality

I felt myself return to consciousness but kept my eyes closed. I felt a hand in mine and a voice apologizing to me. I recognized the voice Giyu. I had to wait for him to leave so I could take the chip out. I didn't want anyone to ask questions. "I'll be right back Rhea. I'm getting you food for when you wake up". I heard the door close and sat up quickly seeing my sword next to me. I unsheathed the sword and cut open my arm and reached my fingers into the wound pulling the chip out and crushing it. Suppressing a scream I bandaged my arm and saw my brothers bracelet on my wrist. I cleaned my sword and felt my vision get blurry

"Shit I'm losing consciousness". I laid down making sure to make sure to it looked like it did when I was "Unconscious" I felt my eyelids get heavy as I listened to make sure no one was nearby. I closed my eyes feeling Giyu coming back. "Rhea I'm back with your favorite Miso soup" I heard Giyu shut the door setting the bowl on the table next to me. "Rhea where'd this wound come from are you really awake". Fortunately I lost consciousness before he could test if I was awake.

Giyu's POV

I watched Rhea sleeping on the bed at the butterfly mansion. I feel really bad about knocking her out but she left me no choice. Shinobu was questioning me the entire time when she saw me carrying Rhea, and of course she brought it up in front of the hashira. They all decided to stop by the butterfly mansion to see my quote on quote "Girlfriend".

I saw a wound on Rhea's arm but I didn't see it before "Rhea where'd this wound come from are you really awake". I shook her shoulder a bit and opened one of her eyes with my thumb and index finger but I saw she was looking to the right proving she was still unconscious. I was a little concerned. I didn't choke her that long and got off of her as soon as she lost consciousness but she's been asleep for half the day.

Something about her presence changed it was like she was back to how she was when I first trained her. As I was in my thoughts Shinobu walked into the room

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