Chapter 6; Awake again

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Giyu's POV

"Tomioka-san what are you doing by Rhea-San I heard she's the new hashira" Shinobu says with an annoying smile. I just wanted to watch over Rhea because she's like a little sister to me and as her trainer I have to take care of her. "Leave me alone Kocho. I don't want any part of your teasing". I wanted to be alone and I was starting to get sick of the constant teasing "How cold hearted of you Tomioka-san. Can't you be nice to me for once in your life, this is why nobody likes you"

"I'm not disliked". Shinobu just chuckled poking my shoulder. "You know Tomioka Rhea might not like you anymore because of what you did". I felt shocked the only person who actually liked me hates me? I stood up and started walking towards the door "My my Tomioka-san did I take it too far?" I ignore the bug standing next to me and continued walking away.

I got into my estate seeing the drawing of Sabito Rhea made a long time ago. She was drawing outside after training and fell asleep. Urokodaki told me to check on her and when I walked outside I saw the drawing and was almost moved to tears. Rhea reminded me a lot like Sabito which makes my grief get worse every time I saw her. Something changed though when I was carrying her to the butterfly mansion her presence changed.

I ripped up the drawing. I don't want to see the face of someone I failed to protect. I sat on the ground trying to calm myself down. I need some air. I stepped outside sitting under a tree trying to calm down

Rhea's POV

I woke up to the sound of a Shoji door opening. I sat up seeing a woman that looked a few years younger than me her hair put into a bun with a butterfly hair pin. I immediately grabbed my knife pointing it at her. "One move and I'll kill you" I had a menacing glare on my face. "My my Rhea-san you seemed like such a nice girl. My name is Shinobu Kocho the insect hashira". I sensed no threat. "Can you tell me this how did Tomioka-san survive being your trainer he's not much of a talker and it seems like you've done this a lot". I put my knife down and couldn't help but chuckle. "I mostly forced Giyu to talk more. He used to just barge into rooms and I've held him at gun point and thrown my knife at him many times". We chuckled at the same time

"That makes sense also you can leave the butterfly mansion whenever you want". Shinobu smiled at me making my whole body feel warm. I don't remember the last time I've felt like this. A blush painted my cheeks as I looked down a warm smile on my face. Shinobu patted my head "Are you blushing Rhea-Chan". I nodded sheepishly. Shinobu giggled at my face and sat down next to me.

"You can call me Rhea no need to be formal Shinobu-chan" This is the first time I've actually felt happy. We both had wide smiles looking at each other. "Than you can call me Shinobu you don't have to be formal". All of the tense energy I felt when I first saw Shinobu was gone now her presence was filled with happiness.

"Would you like to come with me to my estate Shinobu?" Shinobu agreed and followed me out to my estate. Me and Shinobu were talking in my kitchen drinking tea. "Shinobu what are the other hashira like?". Shinobu chuckled softly taking a quick sip of her tea.

"Well I like Mitsuri because she's cheerful and cute. For Uzui I find him irritable. I was the one to diagnose Muichiro's amnesia and I did his treatment when he was brought in and he's a good kid at heart. Sanemi and I don't talk much but when we see each other he asks if i'm doing okay. For Obani we sometimes talk about interesting sword skills that we can use with smaller frames. I respect Gyomei from the bottom of my heart. And rengoku is a good person but there are times when we can't understand each other and you know Giyu"

All of the hashira sounded like good people. "That's good to know thank you Shinobu" I smiled at the girl. "You're welcome Rhea." Me and Shinobu heard crying coming from outside. "Do you want to go see what that is?" Shinobu nodded we both grabbed our swords and walked outside "The crying is coming from the woods lets go Rhea." We started walking through the woods ready for a demon attack at any moment.

We walked a little farther and saw Giyu crying. Shinobu held back a laugh "You should go in the tree and scare him I have to go back to my duties so I'll leave you two alone" she walked away as I climbed into the tree and listened to him cry

"Oi do you think crying will solve your problems*

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