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Seungmin didn't know if it was a wise decision to stay in the villains abode. He figured that the government would have already realized that were all missing. He knew that they'd probably begun tailing them already.

He also knew that this place was untraceable, but there was just something about this place that gave Seungmin the jitters. He was now sitting with Jeongin in the living room as the two watched the others talk amongst themselves.

It felt weird seeing the future version of himself speak to the future version of Hyunjin. It felt like a weird trip, a hallucination of sorts.

"Psst," Jeongin whispered next to him, nudging his arm. "Chan hyung is coming here."

Indeed, Chan, the future version, was approaching the two on the couch. He gave them a small smile. "Can I sit with you two?"

"Uh, ye-yeah, sure," Seungmin spluttered, making room for the older.

"Thank you," Chan said. "I just wanted to ask if guys are feeling okay. I know this is all too overwhelming, but I need to know if you guys are comfortable here."

"It is a little weird," Seungmin admitted. "But we're fine. I mean, where else would we even go? The government is probably tracking us down at this moment. This may be the safest place to be right now."

"That may be true," Chan agreed. "But do make yourselves feel at ease. Knowing you both, I believe you're still a little skeptical about all this, but at least you have each other, yeah?"

Seungmin and Jeongin looked awkwardly at each other and looked back at Chan. "Yeah, I guess," Jeongin said.

Chan looks at the two weirdly for a moment before his eyes finally light up. "Ahh, right. You two aren't dating yet, my bad!" He gets up from the couch and leaves after waving them goodbye.

The two sit there stunned. They... were going to be dating in the future? Neither of them dared to look at the other in the fear of their embarrassment being evident on their face.

"Ahem," Seungmin cleared his throat before awkwardly standing up. "I- I uh, I'll be right back. I have to use the restroom."

"Uhm, yeah," Jeongin replied as he watched Seungmin walk away from him.

Meanwhile, Felix was seated in his room with both the Hyunjins, and he couldn't feel more out of place. The future version of Hyunjin had wanted to speak with them both.

"Do we stop dyeing our hair in the future?" Hyunjin asked, clearly distracted by the other's natural black hair that looked so odd to him.

The other Hyunjin looks at him with confusion before realizing what he's referring to. "Yeah, our hair is much healthier this way."

Hyunjin simply nodded, and the other took this as a cue to begin speaking.

"Felix," He began. "Are you okay with recording a video for the press? We'd like for you to speak about everything the government has done so far. When it's broadcasted, the authorities will have no other option than to silence us by any means whatsoever. It's the only way we can face them and take them down once and for all."

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