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Felix's world seemed to be crumbling around him. He stood alone inside the van, watching the unfolding events through the surveillance cameras. He had never felt so utterly helpless before.

Their side had been winning, or so it seemed. Until Changbin became caught in the crossfire, a bullet piercing his abdomen. Felix's heart sank, unsure of what to do.

Should he rush out there? He possessed the power to heal Changbin, but that would leave them defenseless. He watched as Jeongin and Hyunjin hurried to Changbin's side, with Hyunjin doing his best to apply pressure to the wound. Jeongin struggled to maintain a protective shield around them.

With Changbin down, Chan and the others were left vulnerable. They needed to protect themselves.

Felix finally made up his mind. He opened the van door and sprinted into the battlefield.

"Felix! What are you doing?!" Jisung exclaimed, catching up to Felix. "You're going to get shot!"

"Changbin needs my help," Felix replied, running towards Jeongin's shield.

"I'll go with you," Jisung said, grabbing hold of Felix and speeding them both into Jeongin's protective barrier.

"Move!" Felix instructed Hyunjin, who quickly made way for him while still keeping his hands on Changbin's wound. Felix knelt down and examined the injury.

"You can heal him, right?" Jisung asked, concerned.

"I can," Felix answered, gently removing Hyunjin's hands from the wound. "But it will drain all my energy."

"And what happens then?" Hyunjin inquired, worry etched on his face.

Felix gave him a distressed look. "I won't be able to heal anyone else if they get injured."

"Fuck," Jisung muttered.

"Okay, just focus on healing Changbin hyung for now," Jeongin interjected, earning a determined nod from Felix as he placed both hands over the wound, emitting a soft golden light.

"Jeongin, take Hyunjin and Jisung and protect the others," Felix instructed, his demeanor filled with anguish. "We can't afford any more casualties."

"And leave the two of you alone and vulnerable?" Hyunjin scoffed. "No way in hell."

"I have a weapon," Felix said, retrieving a gun from Changbin's holster. "I'll use it if necessary."

"No... let me," Changbin's weak voice interjected. "I can shoot while you focus on healing me."

"Hyunjin," Felix addressed him. "Give me your gun."

Reluctantly, Hyunjin tossed his gun to Felix, who handed it to Changbin.

"Are you absolutely sure about this, Felix?" Hyunjin pleaded.

"Yes! Now, just go and help the others," Felix replied, continuing his efforts to heal Changbin.

Jisung quickly guided the two of them to where the rest of the team was. Jeongin immediately erected another shield to safeguard the remaining six.

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