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Jeongin couldn't deny that he missed being a university student. He majored in computer science, a subject he despised. Jeongin had always yearned to attend an arts school to pursue fashion design. Unfortunately, his parents vehemently opposed the idea.

Every single day he spent at the university was a waking nightmare for Jeongin, but he knew that as much as he detested his studies, this government mission was infinitely worse. Their lives were on the line, far outweighing the fear of failing an exam. Jeongin recognized the danger of the mission, yet he couldn't help but feel it was somehow destined to be.

Jeongin firmly believed that fate had brought the eight of them together. "Jeongin, are you paying attention?" Captain Lee's voice snapped him out of his thoughts, and he nodded in response. She appeared skeptical but carried on with her briefing.

"This time," Captain Lee continued, "you'll all be equipped with Bluetooth ear devices to stay in contact with each other and with me." The eight of them nodded, each receiving their Bluetooth device from Instructor Choi and placing it in their ear.

"Additionally, you'll each have a watch," Captain Lee added, "which allows you to block out unnecessary noises from other team members' earpieces. You can choose whom you want to connect with." They received their watches, with their names listed as connection options.

"Alright, I believe you're all set now," Captain Lee said, guiding them out of the building. "Felix? A minute." She called out, motioning for him to stay behind.

Felix approached her, questioning, "What's the matter?"

"Stay confined to the van, Felix," she stated firmly. "Your safety is our top priority, and you know that."

"If I hadn't left the van the other day, Changbin would be dead," Felix retorted sternly, glaring at the Captain. He stormed away before she could say another word, joining the others in the van.

"What did she say?" Hyunjin asked as he came closer to Felix, and Chan started driving.

"Nothing important, just asked me to be safe," Felix smiled, not wanting to burden Hyunjin with the truth.

"Alright, love," Hyunjin returned the smile, gently resting his head against Felix's shoulder, nuzzling into the crook of his neck.

Felix intertwined his arm with Hyunjin's, and the van was filled with comfortable silence for the rest of the journey. This was what Felix yearned for—a peaceful, quiet, and comfortable atmosphere with all eight of them together. No worries or intrusive thoughts. Felix couldn't help but imagine how much he would enjoy their company if they had met under different circumstances.

For now, their relationship was bound by a contract. Felix didn't know if they would remain friends once this mission was over and they returned to their regular lives.

"We've arrived," Chan announced, breaking Felix's reverie.

Felix glanced to his left and noticed that Hyunjin had fallen asleep on his shoulder. He smiled sadly at the peaceful expression on Hyunjin's face, knowing that it would soon be replaced with fear.

"Hey, Hyunnie," Felix gently nudged him. "We're here. Wake up."

Hyunjin stirred slowly, his eyes opening slightly. "Already?"

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