roommates 🌟💓- minsung

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Minho had been in college for 2 years when his older roommate Chan finished his last year. So he got a new roommate assigned by the arts school. His name was Han Jisung.

He didn't know much about him, the boy was always quiet and stayed on his own. He was a good roommate because he did his chores, wasn't loud, didn't argue, didn't bother him or anything like that. But there was one thing Minho didn't like about him, and that was the fact that he was making him question his sexuality. He had never felt anything like this before, but Jisung was just too cute. He had chubby cheeks and his hair was always messy in a stylish way. From the very little conversations he had with the boy he could tell he was a very sweet and innocent person.

About a week after they med he decided he wanted to know more about the boy. He would approach him in the mornings and start small conversation which was somewhat awkward in the beginning but grew into a casual habit.

"Hey Ji," Minho said one day after waking up and walking to the kitchen only to find Jisung looking through their fridge barely awake. "Hi hyung" he replied tiredly. "Hey I was wondering, what are you majoring in?" Minho asks and Jisung pulls out the milk from the fridge before answering "music production!" He says excitedly, "how about you hyung?" Jisung asks and pours himself his milk. "I'm majoring in dance arts" he says and smiles at Jisung mixing his now chocolate milk.

"Oh wow that's so cool!" Jisung says and starts making his toast. "is it hard?" He asks spreading butter on his warm toast. "Hm not really, I guess if you enjoy dancing you don't really need to worry. It's all about putting you're feelings into it and finding your style." Minho says and Jisungs eyebrows rise. He takes a big bite of his toast and stuffs his cheeks. After he's done chewing he tells Minho "that's actually quite similar to music production, you have to like find your mark basically. That's what our classes are mostly about" he says and continues eating. Minho spaced out for a second looking at his stuffed cheeks finding it adorable how he looks like a squirrel.

"You know what," Minho says suddenly "we should do a project together" Jisungs looks at him confused as to what he's talking about. "Like you produce a song and I can choreograph it!" Jisungs looks at him with worry "I wouldn't put that much trust in my music producing skills yet" he says and laughs "I'm sure that's not true, just send me a couple of your favorite produced songs and I'll see what your mark is, then we can see" he says and Jisungs finally agrees. "Okay, we'll do that then" he says and smiles, looking down at the ground.

Once he's finished with his toast he goes get ready to leave and Minho does the same. Right before Jisung leaves Minho grabs his arm. Jisung looks at him in surprise and Minho brings his arm up taking Jisung's phone from his hand. He starts typing something and once he's done he gives the phone back to jisung and leaves before he can ask what that was about. Jisung looks at his phone and looks at the new contact on his screen "Minho 💜" he smiles down at his phone and blushes a little before leaving the dorm to his first class.

Nearing the end of the day Jisung retreats back to the shared studio outside school, 2 already graduated music producers that were his friends got a studio right by the school so they can keep working on music with Jisung. They called themselves 3racha. Bang Chan, Changbin, and Jisung. On his way there he gets a message from Minho.

Minho 💜
Hey Ji!
seen 15:07pm

Minho 💜
Have you found some songs yet?
seen 15:07pm

Minho 💜
I'm excited to hear them ;)
seen 15:08pm

Ji 💙
Hey hyung :)
seen 15:08pm

Ji 💙
I'm just about to get in my studio, I'll look through some stuff there okay? Ill send them don't worry 😊

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