simple and sweet.

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It was currently Monday morning in Faraway. It was a usual day for Sunny Suzuki, a boy who lived here for as long as he could possibly remember. Blue, clear skies were just out the window, although Sunny's mind didn't seem so clear.

"Due on Wednesday?! I just started my work for chemistry..."

He sighs and looks at his calendar.

"Back to the coffee shop it is."

Faraway Town was a simple place, and Sunny was quite okay with that. Nothing new ever happened, but what did it matter? He was never one for surprises anyway.

As the door opens, the chimes start to make sound as usual.

"Welcome to Faraway Café!" A voice says from the counter.

Usually,  some woman with a ponytail was at the counter, but she never ever welcomed people in. Her voice was high and quite feminine. But.. this definitely wasn't a voice that belonged to a girl. He looked over at the counter to see a boy, very tall, with tan skin and hair that reached a little bit past his shoulders. His voice was happy and soothing. Sunny did nothing but wave silently.

Walking up to a table, he set his stuff down and then walked over to the counter.

"Could I get an espresso? For here, please."
"Sure!" The barista replied with a warm smile.
"If you don't mind me asking, are you... new? I haven't quite seen you here before." Sunny says softly.
"Huh? Oh, yeah! I'm gonna be around here a lot, so you're going to be seeing me often!"

Sunny softly chuckled.

"I'm looking forward to it."

Sunny always went to the coffee shop, and he'd always get an espresso and never stayed around to chat with any of the people there, but this was different. This guy seemed different. He seemed friendly and inviting.

"Your espresso, good sir!"
"Oh, thank you."
"And by the way, my name is Kel!"
"Pleased to meet you, Kel.. Sunny is my name."
"Sunny looks like a pretty fitting name, cool!" Kel shot another smile at Sunny, which only made Sunny smile back.

Sunny came to his table with all his stuff and looked at the label on the cup. It had a little star on it, with the words, "I can not espresso how much I love Faraway coffee!" probably written by Kel himself. It made Sunny smile again, taking a sip of his coffee.

"This is...really good!" He muttered, looking back at Kel taking someone else's order with another smile on his face. Every time he saw that boy smile.. Sunny wanted to smile. He was so... Friendly.

Sunny wasn't the type of person to be open and make new friends, but... This seemed different. Maybe it was time for a change of pace. This time... Sunny really wanted to be Kel's friend.

"I said I wanted it unsweet!" A woman from the counter yelled.
"Oh, my, i'm sorry, I must've gotten it mixed up, my apologies, I--"
"Stop apologizing and make me a new one, you loudmouth!"
"Ma'am, I don't think it's quite right to be calling someone that -"

Sunny watched as Kel's apron got splashed with the drink the woman didn't like. He knew he wasn't supposed to butt in... but...

This time, he was going to make a difference.

"E-excuse me.." Sunny said loudly, walking up to the woman at the counter.

"What do YOU want?"
"He's right.. you shouldn't be treating him like this. He only mixed it up just a little... you didn't have to be that impatient."
"What do you mean?! One, he got my order wrong and wouldn't stop talking, and, who do you think you are butting into OUR conversation?"

He sighed. People like this never seemed to learn, and Sunny wasn't going to stick around for it.

"Listen, I don't mean to cause any harm, but no one should be treated that way. He deserves an apology."
"And why exactly should I listen to you? Why do you care about him so much?"

Sunny looks to the side.

Please Kel.. let me do it just this once. He thought to himself.


"Because he's my friend."

"Thanks again for helping me, Sunny.."

Kel says as he wipes off the tea from his apron.

"It really isn't a problem.. people like that need to get talked to, that's all."
"It doesn't mean I can't say thank you!"

The taller boy looks at the ground, then to Sunny.

"Hey... about you calling me your friend.."
"H-huh? Oh... I apologize -"
"No, it's okay, really! If you want to, we can be friends, that would be great!"

Sunny makes eye contact with him. His eyes seemed to light up.

"You and me... as... friends..?"
"Why not? I mean, I just got here... making a friend so soon would be one of my biggest achievements! If... that's okay with you, of course."

The boy pondered for a moment. Sunny never really needed or wanted any new friends... he was alright with the ones he had already. But Kel... he had potential.  He seemed like someone Sunny could really trust!

Kel had a new apron on, ready to get back to work. With that, Sunny helped him up and shook his hand.

"Sure." He smiled warmly.

"Let's be friends."

Kel smiled excitedly from ear to ear.

"You mean it?! I... I'm so, so happy!"
"I mean it."
"Oh, man, that's great! Here, one moment."

He disappeared behind the "EMPLOYEES ONLY" doors, then returned with a marker.

"Could you put your arm on the table for me?"

Sunny did as he commanded, waiting for Kel to finish writing whatever it was on his wrist.

"There! That's my phone number, in case you wanted to call me! I hope you don't mind that I wrote it on your arm.. we didn't have any blank paper.." He laughed and rubbed his neck.

"Well, with enough hand sanitizer, you can rub it off! Anyways, I really gotta get back to work.. uh, I'll see you around..?"

Sunny nods. "Yeah, I'll come back."

Another smile reaches his face.

"Well, see you then!"

Sunny walks out of the shop, looking at his wrist repeatedly.

Kel's number was written on it... he couldn't believe that he had really made a new friend.

Faraway Town was a simple place, and Sunny was quite okay with that. But today, something new and amazing happened.

Maybe all these surprises weren't that bad after all.


i am absolutely in love with this already !!1

i hope you all loved reading this as much as I loved writing it. if  , please vote !! that would be amazing for me <33

stay tuned for chapter two !!

- ren

1121 words.

warm and lovely. ( coffee shop au )Where stories live. Discover now