XII - Akumas

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The day after that mom and dad FORCED me to go back to school, I had to be escorted to the office by Marinette because they trust her, and not me for some STRANGE REASON?

I sat opposite Mr Damocles, refusing to make eye contact.

"It's registration now, I already marked you as present, why don't you go and get some paperwork from the printer in the art department for me?"
"I don't wanna... I wanna go home and lock myself in my bedroom like I usually do on suspension." I huffed, this was so not fair. Why did I have to stay and run errands for the principle?!
"Y/n, do you often find yourself in your room?"

I nodded.

"Do you lock the door most the time you're in there?"

Again, I nodded; I was still refusing to face him.

"Do you think that's normal?"
"Well it's pretty damn normal for me. Ugh I hate my family..."
"Do you want to tell me why?" I saw him sneakily open something on his computer as he didn't know I was looking. What was he doing...

"Well if it's not clear enough that they love my sister more than me then I don't know what to say."
"They probably shout at you because they're worried, do you realise that? They don't want to upset you, they probably care about you more than you think."
"Yeah, probably being the word you need to emphasise. And it should actually be probably not, thank you very much." He sighed.

"Y/n, if you're not happy there are things that can be done about it. I'm going to need to ask you a few questions and you need to answer them truthfully." I looked at him, I was confused yet nodded anyways.

"Do you ever skip meals?"
"Well, yeah? All the time... hah, last summer while I was grounded I had a couple of days where I didn't eat at all because I just didn't want to look at Marinette... though why does anyone care? It's my eating habits... I don't have problems!!! Don't think I do. I've had a few occasions where I've been angry enough that I overate and made myself high and got food poisoning in true same night! Yeah when I do forget to eat it sucks because then I feel pretty sick, but... you don't understand.... You don't get highs and lows..."

"I don't, but I know many people who do. Y/n no matter how much you feel it, you're not alone. I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but I genuinely think you need some help."
"What, like a therapist or something?" I mocked.
"Maybe, I'm not quite sure. But I have a feeling that you aren't going to ask for help no matter how much you need an intervention, are you comfortable with me contacting the hospital to report all the incidents I have on record? Being sent home for all the reasons, skipping, suspension, what you've told me about your home life?"

"Yeah thanks but no thanks. If I want help I can ask for it, I'm not a baby! I dont need any help from anyone, not you, not some hospital worker, not ANYONE!" I got up to storm out in typical Y/n fashion but the door was locked. "I knew you were going to do that."

I clenched my fists, my frustration bubbling and boiling my blood into pure anger and hatred. Suddenly, an akuma flew in.

"Ahh... Y/n Dupain-Cheng, am I correct? I am Hawk Moth, I tried to akumatised you once before I believe, Ennui was it? Would you like that name again? Or maybe Épine would be more fitting..."
"I can't be bothered with you, Ennui is fine, what do you want? The miraculous?"
"Ahaha, yes! You have an excellent memory my wicked disciple! I can give you the power to make any one of your rumours become the solid truth! What will you say, would you like to team up as we help each other get what we want most?"

I thought about it for a few minutes, Mr Damocles was on the phone to the police as soon as he saw the neon mask appear from my face. Hawk Moth does sound like he genuinely wants to help, and with these powers I can do whatever I want! I guess it would be rude not to accept a gift now, wouldn't it?

"Yeah yeah, alright. You've got yourself a deal there HAWKY."

I let myself become engulfed in the black and purple smog, transforming my into a black-hearted villain.

I Heard a Rumour... (Miraculous x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now