LI - Was that to Shut Me Up?

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I woke up nice and early, around five, and packed my bags. We were leaving for Christmas, and this time we weren't going back. Do you remember where I used to live before? At the mansion with Adrien? We used Gabriel's income - which is now going to Adrien as a hell of a monthly wage - to rebuild his mansion and return it to its former glory. Heh, we even rebuilt the murder basement!

Well, it's not going to house Emilie's refrigerated corpse anymore, it's empty at the minute...

Fèlix came over to my room, knocking on the door gently and smiling. "My cousin has sent me to fetch you. I will be... I will be..." I could just tell he was struggling to find the words, so I dropped my bag to the floor and wrapped my arms around him. "I'm gonna miss having you around too sis."

"Sis? What is that supposed to mean?" I chuckled lightly, pulling away and placing my hand onto his shoulder. "Oh, nothing, just a term I'm using to say you're my best friend."
"Oh, thank you Y/n. It is much appreciated, s-sis?" I burst out into an even louder giggle, waving to my old roommate to walk out of the building. I went to the reception desk where Ethan was sat.

"Hey buddy, just signing out one last time." He pouted, asking me not to make him sadder that his friend was leaving him. "Don't worry, I'll be back..." as I said that, Siri took it as a sign to press play on the Hamilton playlist I'd been listening to while sending in my final assignment of the term. As quickly as I could, I pulled my phone out and attempted to pause it to no avail, only causing it to ballast out louder and louder with each try. The man took the phone from me, opening the app from the prompt on the screen and stopping the music before smirking and handing my phone back.

"I-I knew that... just making sure you were paying attention!" He chortled as Adrien stormed in, grabbed my bag and wrist and pulled me out.

As we got into the car, he plugged my seatbelt in for me and locked the doors. He asked Gorilla to put the heaters on to get us warm.

"My god, the fact that you're still wearing shorts in this weather will never fail to confuse me, Y/n."
"What? They're my style."
"When we get home I am rebuilding your fashion sense from scratch, hopefully adding some common sense to you while we're at it." He rolled his eyes as I gently punched his arm. He looked at me with a semi-serious tone, his voice was soaked through with remorse as he had the following conversation.

"I know that he's your friend, but it makes me really uncomfortable when you're with Ethan."
"Ethan? The poor boy, what's your problem?"
"My problem is that he is so goddamn into you and I know you know about it."
"And? I love YOU, is my word not good enough?! Do you not trust me?!"
"That isn't what I'm saying, I don't trust HIM. He's older than us Y/n, he's nearly 18 for crying out loud! In the next couple of months he's legally an adult."
"Youre so jealous-" I laughed really hard and earned a revenge punch for the one I gave him earlier.

"How do you feel when other girls flirt with me?"
"Nah it's cool, then we'll have someone to hide in the basement."
"Okay, okay, whatever! But do you get my drift?"
"Yeah, I get it. Don't be so petty, I'm fine. If he tries to cross out of the friend zone I will... gently... nudge him back in."

He placed his hand over mine, looking me in the eye.

"Thank you."

He leaned over to kiss me and I put a finger to his lips.

"Let's save this conversation 'til we get inside our old- new- old- OUR HOME." He burst into a fit of infectious laughter, as we pulled up I unlocked the doors and my boyfriend brought our bags in with his bodyguard. As we walked through the doors it was back to its former, cold glory. I took in the frost bitten air around me, just as lifeless as we left it. I took a big breath, releasing a deep, miserable sigh as I walked in.

"So... are we taking your room or your dad's?"
"I mean- mine?! Why the hell would we take dad's?"
"Oh I just thought-"
"I've grown up in my room. It's MY room."
"Damn okay I was just asking!"

I threw my hands in the air and went to his room, everything had been completely restored, like a broken computer reverting to the last functioning version. I sat on his bed and flopped back like I did in the old days.

"Woah... it's crazy how a new environment can make me feel young again."
"Last time you were here was less than a year ago-"
"So?! We've grown so much since, especially with what's happened with parental figures."
"My god can you please stop talking about your dad?! You chose to divorce him, I didn't choose to lose mine for him to be sent to a maximum security prison! I DIDNT ASK FOR MY MOM TO DIE!"

I lashed out, making him look as if I'd just punched him. I sighed again, sitting back on the bed and grabbing my bag he just brought in; I went to walk out.

"I'm sorry for lashing out-"
"Where are you going?" He asked in a quiet, timid voice.
"Nathalie's room."
"You clearly have strong feelings, I do to, can we talk about them?"
"Why not? We clearly need a conversation to air out the room!"
"NO WE DONT. Your parents loved you, your dad had his own psychotic way of loving you but alas you were still loved. My dad openly admitted that he never cared about me."

He took my bag and lifted me up, placing my legs around his waist and carrying me to his couch where he sat down, holding me onto his lap.

"I'm really sorry, I know how awful that is. But hey, that's why we have the crap dad gang!"
"No we don't-"
"Come onnnnn."
"I am not being a part of a gang. Let alone one dedicated to either of or both of our dads. They're both sh**."
"Exactly why we have a gang!"
"Hah, do you have a motorbike? Jingle Jangle?"

He sighed and pulled up his phone.

"No promises, I'll see what I can get in time for school starting in a few weeks."
"Aww I'm so lucky to have a rich boyfriend."
"Thanks to Gabriel YOURE rich too?!"
"Yeah, but it's not the same."
"So you're a gold digger now?"

He raised an eyebrow, teasing me.

"Shut up. You- you scumbag!! You MAGGOT!! YOU CHEAP LOUSY-"
"OKAY I GET IT!" He yelled, slapping a hand over my mouth and kissing it.

"Was that to shut me up?"
"Yes. Yes, very much so."


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