XXXIV - Better Chug that Mountain Dew

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We were sat in class, they've put me next to Lila. I'm not allowed to sit with Chloe anymore after the trouble we've caused this year already...

I have a feeling that there's some explaining I need to do here. My sister is now the guardian. We tried our best to save Master Fu, I COULD have saved him! But... I didn't want people knowing that we know who each other are. What will Marinette and Adrien say now?! I've known for f*ing weeks and I haven't told them! When I slung up to grab the Shell-ter, he started talking... I had to pretend to fall off the building for him to shut up...

Marinette is blaming herself at the minute... when in reality it's all my fault... wanna know what's the worst part? Adrien knew that I fell on purpose, and I LIED by saying I genuinely slipped. I'm lying to him every day by not telling him the truth and it's tugging at my heartstrings harder than they've ever been pulled before! I can't do this much longer... he's gonna find out!

I fell asleep in class after thinking about this, the stress is wearing me down like a doll being washed through so many times she starts to disintegrate! Hey, fright now I guess I'm the literal definition of Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss!

I'm gaslighting my sister and boyfriend as well as lying to everyone else about not being a superhero.

I'm gatekeeping the secret identities of Hawk Moth and ALL of Paris's heroes.

Well, can I call myself a Girlboss? I guess not really, I'm too damaged to be a Girlboss.

But hey, I've got the first two down!

Adrien was late to class, him coming in woke me up; he'd been to a morning photoshoot, and when Ms Bustier looked back at the class she saw that I was asleep. "Wake up, Y/n!" She yelled, before Lila poked me pretty hard and woke me up.

"GAH! IM AWAKE! IM AWAKE! WHERED HAWKY GO?!" I slapped a hand over my mouth, and everyone laughed at me as hard as they physically could. "Y/n you missed the happy birthday song for your sister! Wait a second, doesn't that make it your birthday too? You're twins so-"
"Well, at least someone realised!" I rolled my eyes and smacked my forehead against the desk, twirling my ring around. I want to start wearing it so it isn't suspicious that I'm going back to Adrien's for every akuma attack. "Well why don't we sing you happy birthday?"
"NO. Thanks but no thanks, today is Marinette's special day, no mine. Trust me, it's been drilled into me enough so I don't need to be tortured with out-of-tune singing. Seriously people, pick a key and stick with it, AND STOP MAKING MY EARS BLEED!"
"Y/n, princ-"
"Principles office, yeah yeah yeah I know the drill. Wow you're so pathetic, sending me out because I don't like a song! THIS HIERACHY WILL BE BURNED TO THE GROUND BY MY HAND USING THE MATCHBOX I ALWAYS SNEAK AROUND IN MY BAG IN CASE I WANNA BURN PEOPLE." I screamed as I ran out and to Mr Damocles's office.

I clenched my fist and banged on the door heavily, he sighed and told me to come in. Ms Bustier sent him an email with the events that had just gone down.

"Y/n... I thought we were getting better!"
"Yeah, well we aren't are we idiot?!"
"Do not call me an idiot."
"I'm gonna say what I want and you'll be happy with it, get me? Good now where do you keep your secret Mountain Dew stash I know you have." I got up and looked around, opening his owl cosplay cabinet where the glass bottles of it were. I used his desk to pop the cap off and chugged it.

"Y/n, drowning your sorrows in sugary drinks won't do you any good... especially when you never had a replacement for your pump put in after it was broken a few weeks ago."
"I'm sorry but I genuinely don't give a sh** sir. If I can't do anything but live in this hell of a world then so help me I'm trying to make myself high enough to forget about all of my problems!" I walked over and grabbed two more, popping the caps and drinking them one after another. He sighed, shaking his head in his hands. "I swear I should hate having a student like you." I grabbed the box of the drinks, putting my middle finger at the principle and walking out of the office to sit at the bottom of the stairs drowning my sorrows in drinks. The more I drunk, the thirstier I felt. Must be working I guess.

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