XIV - Hospital

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I woke up again in a hospital bed, from looking around I could see cannulas going into my hand and arm. I gently sat up and saw Mom and Marinette sat either side of my bed, "Hi..." they suddenly looked up and pounced onto me like tigers.

"How are you feeling?! Are you okay?!" I grimaced at her, but just kept hugging my sister. Mom quickly pulled her away, "Are you feeling up to company? Your friend came as soon as he heard you were here."
"How long has it been?"
"Three days."

From that little conversation I already knew Adrien was waiting for me outside, the two ladies went out and he came in. He stared in awe at me being awake and ran over, hugging me as gently as he could. "Don't you dare scare me like that again... EVER." I scooted over and made some room for him to sit on the bed too so I could wrap my arms around the sunshine child. "What about your dad? Mom said you've been here for days..."
"I convinced Nathalie to talk to him for me, I haven't heard from him." He said bluntly, digging his head into my shoulder, before looking up at me.

"I heard you got saved by Cat Noir? What was it like? Did you think he was cool?"
"Well in all honesty I don't really remember much... after I was de-evilised.... OH GOD I WAS PRACTICALLY IN A POOL OF MY OWN VOMIT! UGH THATS SO EMBARRASSING!" I hid my face in my hands, Jeez I was so high that I was just completely out of it. "Hey, it's ok! He would've understood!"
"No... the hottest guy - no offence - in Paris saved me and I puked all over him!" I whined, he chuckled to himself slightly, "None taken... I'm sure he'd be very flattered knowing that..." now it was my head in his shoulder as he pat my back.

A nurse came into the room, "Sorry, was I interrupting something between you and your boyfriend?"
"NO! I mean... no! It's okay!"
"Do you want me to leave?"

"Hahahaha... don't worry young man there's no need. I just want Y/n's levels." Adrien passed me my phone off the bedside table and tapped it on my arm while the nurse pricked my finger. He looked at the number on my phone confused and turned it around to the lady, "Hmm... both of them are showing near enough the same. It seems what we did is working, you're definitely not high anymore..."

"Does that mean she can go home!"
"I guess, but I think we should keep her back for a few days because now it's saying she's lower than she should be?"
"That's strange... I feel fine though!"
"Maybe that's why this high was so serious, if you've not been showing symptoms on some occasions and carried on it could've made it worse."

She left the room to tell the information to my parents, saying she would also have a word with the doctor about what to do.

"Are low levels as bad as high?"
"They can be... sometimes it makes me feel worse."
"Is there anything I can do to raise it quickly?"
"Well you could get me some jelly babies?" I giggled, opening the case on my phone and giving him a note. He rejected it.

"Oh no, my best friends in the freaking hospital! The least I can do is get her some sweets!" He smiled, jumping off the bed and running out. I looked at my phone again, I had a lot of missed calls off Chloe and Sabrina. And another incoming.

"What do you want, Chloe?"
"Well... Jean Whatever-His-Stupid-Name-Is reminded me of how long we've been friends and told me to say sorry."
"Well what?"
"Are you actually gonna apologise? And do you mean it?"
"Yes... I'm... so-so-sor-..."
"You're?" I pressed a button there...
"SORRY. Utterly sorry..."
"Thanks Clo, do you still wanna be friends with the 'Freak' that I am now you know?"
"Yes... you're not a freak, I overreacted. Hey, there's a new girl coming to school tomorrow! Her name is Lila, wanna help me dig stuff up on her? Meet at my place!"
"Sorry I'm currently bed-bound in the hospital, I'll send you whatever I can google on her. What's the name again?"
"Lila Rossi."

As soon as I hung up, Adrien came back in and joined me I'm under the thinnest sheet I've ever seen on a bed. We shared the pack of jelly babies and watched Netflix on my phone. Before long he was kicked out because of visiting hours being over, it was so lonely without him there...

Now that I'm the age I am, I'm allowed to be alone so they asked my parents and sister to go home too. The nurse forced lights out not too long after, so whatever I did had to be quiet... I decided to message my best friend.

   Hey, you up?

Yeah, what's wrong?

Nothing, just wanted to talk

😂 You know you should
be asleep and so should I!

Yeah, so?!

Oml, goodnight Y/n

I locked my phone, switching off for the night and falling asleep.

(A/n: Sorry, it's a bit shorter than usual but hey! I still got something out! :D)

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