Author's Note

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Over 5 years ago, one morning I am awake felt so exhausted. I feel like I was in a long adventure I never been (like flying around Universe). When I tried to refresh my dream, I ended up writing this story.

And what you're going to read is just a glimpse of these Chronicles.

Then last month of May, while watching Haikyuu on, an ad of an MMORPG keep popping out and it awakens my interest to play an RPG for the first time. It's so perfect inspiration to finally release this story out of my head!

I will dedicate this story to my co-players on League Of Angels @ GTarcade. My hero player is Azriel on the Zeniff978 server. Hello Lady Stark and Erwin! Haha! My Arena Team buddy! Bear with me guys! I think, you just force to let me join even how low my battle rating (joke).. lol, And to all Pinoy players! Go lang ng go! Enjoy the game even we don't have a bank account to buy a diamond in the US dollar to upgrade our hero! I know, am using the pictures! Hehe... peace League of Angels owner <3

And to my beloved husband @Daniel— thank you for believing in me. I will keep writing to you. And I will expand my limit in writing (from Romance-Fantasy to Classic-Action-Mystery stories) soon because I want to make you happy! I love you!

Please forgive me if a lot of wrong grammar or wrong spelling if ever. Are a busy mom, daughter, sister, active Catholic and a lot to do!

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