Into the Woods

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The next night.

You are walking through the woods at night trying to find any evidence of your brother's death.

"Dang, there's nothing here," you said to herself. You moved your flashlight around some more until you saw something move.

"What the-" you shone the flashlight towards the movement. 

It revealed an injured deer.

"Oh my gosh!" You rushed over to the deer and put a hand over your mouth in shock. The deer had three long gashes across its body.

All of a sudden, you heard the cracking of a branch. 

"Who's there?" You then heard loud stomps getting closer and closer. Your eyes widened and you started to sprint. 

Continuing to run, you glanced back every once in awhile to see what was chasing you. There was nothing in sight, but you could hear whoever or whatever it was. 

Distracted, you accidentally tripped on a loose root of a tree. You fell to the ground, and gasped in fright. You heard a loud growl and quickly got up and hid behind a tree. Taking multiple gasps for breath, you looked at your surroundings, only to find an empty forest. 

You let out a sigh of relief.

"Is it gone?" You thought to yourself.

Life flashed before your eyes as a horrific monster jumped out from the fog of the forest. It was the same monster from last night, this time you got a better view of it.

It had big wide eyes, a tall slender body, long sharp claws, and razor sharp teeth filling its mouth. You looked up at it in terror.

The creature examined you, as if seeing if you were a worthy prey. You slowly scooted backwards until your back was flat against the trunk of the tree. 

The monster leaned down and gazed into you with its large, red eyes. It then let out a loud roar in your face. You squeezed your eyes shut, turned your head and screamed.

The roaring ceased. 

You slowly opened your eyes. Your eyes widened. 

The beast was gone, nowhere in sight. You tilted your head in confusion.

I thought I was going to die.

*Time Skip*

After your encounter with the monster, you quickly ran back to Nevermore to tell Wednesday.

"Wednesday!" You shouted as you burst into her dorm.

"......did you find anything?"

"Yes! You won't believe what happened to me!" Wednesday's face turned to concern.

"...what happened?"

"I was in the woods-" Wednesday's eyes widened.

"What?! You were in the woods?! At this hour!" Wednesday shouted, unexpectedly.

"Well, yeah. You said to look for evidence," You shrugged.

"I meant," Wednesday let out a sigh. " Rowan's room or something. Not in the woods! Don't you remember? There's a monster out there that can attack at any minute!"


"Y/N there were two attacks earlier today," she said in a stern tone. "You could have been killed." You looked down with a frown.

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