The Rave'N Part 2

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A/N: I had to add that video because it's so iconic 😆

"I can't believe you dragged me all the way out here to go," Wednesday shuddered, disgusted. "Dress shopping."

"You're talking about it like it's some sort of infectious disease," you arched a brow.

"I would much prefer that than this any day." You rolled your eyes. 

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever," you nudged her shoulder. "I know you secretly love spending time with me." Wednesday's eyes slightly widened at your words. 

She would never admit it, but she agreed with you. 

She smiled a little seeing your face light up as you looked at all the different shops.

"C'mon Wednesday! I saw a dress that would be perfect for you!" You grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards the shop you saw earlier. 

"Ok, now close your eyes!" You stopped her before you reached the shop you wanted her to see.

"Why?" She blinked.

"Just do it!" You grabbed Wednesday's hands and put them over her face. She sighed.

You smiled then guided her so she was standing right in front of the shop with the dress in the display case. 

"The dance committee's suggesting all white to match the theme, but that's not gonna fly with us," you stated. "You can look now, Wednesday." Wednesday rolled her eyes and removed her hands from her face.

Her eyes widened slightly at the dress in front of her, she looked at your excited face.

"When I saw this dress I immediately thought of you," you smiled. Wednesday continued to examine the dress.

"Soooo," you outstretched your arms. "What do you think?" 

Wednesday didn't want to admit it, but it was perfect

Why were you so considerate? Why did you think of her when you saw the dress? Why did you pay attention to the things she liked? 

She kept thinking you had an ulterior motive. But there was no evidence of that. 

Is this what having a friend is like? 

Wednesday cleared her throat and turned to you with folded arms.

"This dress will suffice." You beamed.

"Yay!" You clapped you hands giddily.

"Well, you're forgetting one thing," Wednesday smirked. You tilted your head confused. 

"Now we have to find you a dress."

"We?" Wednesday nodded her head. You smirked.

"I thought you would rather have an infectious disease," you giggled. Wednesday rolled her eyes.

"C'mon, I know a place," Wednesday was now dragging you to a shop. You chuckled to yourself about how the roles have changed between the two of you.

Wednesday stopped and stood in front of a shop with a beautiful light pink ruffle dress. You stared at it almost teary-eyed. 

"Like you said, the theme is not going to fly with us," she smirked. You grinned.

"Let's do this."

*Time Skip*

Wednesday was in your dorm currently doing your hair. She surprisingly offered to do it for you. I think she just has a way with braids, you thought to yourself as she braided your hair carefully.

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