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They hugged for a bit more while talking to each other, giggling with how cheesy they were being and only pulled away when Bradley felt Daffodil's stomach growling.

"Heard that!" he teased.

"Heard what?" Daffodil asked, knowingly smiling.

Bradley kissed her forehead tenderly before getting her hand and intertwining their fingers, saying, "Figured along the way that I needed to." he chuckled. "Come."

Bradley lead their way to his car trunk, fingers still gently weaved with Daffodil's.

"Why're you smiling? Gosssh you're creeping me out, dude." Daffodil complained.

"Nothing serious, my love. Just a bit ecstatic." Bradley replied with a lovely smile, pure joy laced with it. He pulled her close to his body and hugs her as he pecked the top of her head, breathing in the scent of her like he was never going to get enough of it.

She hugged him back, wrapping her arms around his torso as tight as she could, placing her head on his chest, ears pressed against his beating heart. "I love you, Bradley..." she breathed out after inhaling probably all the odor Bradley possess. "But my baby is crying, dude." She continued, looking up at Bradley.

He had his gaze towards her in an instant when he felt her eyes on him, and he chuckles softly before putting a light kiss on the tip of Daffodil's nose and said, "I know, dude. I heard it, remember?"

She rolled her eyes, hanging both her arms around his neck and Bradley's hands at the small of her back while he laughs quietly. "Oh I can't believe you're mine now." He exhaled, pouring the words directly to her eyes, letting them freely seep through her soul in each second that passed.

Daffodil raised her brow and, "So do you regret now?" which Bradley returned with a snort, "Never." They laughed after it and just stared at each other for a while, letting every ounce of reality of the moment sink in to each other.

"Now, may I do the honor of making a way of getting your baby stop from crying, my dear Daffodil?" Bradley inquired sweetly, pulling away from her and doing the bow, commonly a prince would do in a fairy tale.

"Silly." She mumbled under her breath, happily chuckling at what her boyfriend did. She curtsied and said, "Yes, my dear, I'm quite glad that you may."

Bradley couldn't help his laughter at their silliness as he held Daffodil's arms, making their way in front of his car trunk before opening it.

"No way.." Daffodil gasped, seeing the amount of stuffs that were in Bradley's car trunk.

He looked at her, gurgling. "Does your baby want anything more, love?" Bradley asked, giving his girlfriend a warm hug from the back, having both of them face his car.

"Are you serious? What more are you even saying? This is too much, dear Lord!" Daffodil gazed at Bradley incredulously.

Bradley briefly shook his head, smiling in that cute way when he finds Daffodil amusing. "Too much is exaggerating, love." He held her hands lightly, giving a peck on her knuckles as he titter. "Can we start now?" Bradley asked, looking at Daffodil's in disbelief eyes.

"Start what? Are you really serious? Do you think my baby can hold all of that?" Daffodil folded her arms across her chest, dead serious eyeing Bradley, matching her knitted eyebrows.

Bradley shrugged, "Not all, I guess. But I saw countless times your baby did at least most of that." Ended it nonchalantly as he gestured to his car trunk, looking at his girlfriend with a little smile.

Daffodil did not seem to believe what she just heard and caterwauld, tightening her arms across her chest, "You are kidding, right?" but Bradley shook her head sluggishly. Daffodil threw her hands in the air and started venting on how she'll die earlier than she's supposed to if she had consumed all those things before for not just one time.

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