(( SIX ))

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She and Marga paced through the thickening crowd in the park lawn. Marga held her while she navigated both of them through the sea of people and stopped at some part with a group wearing identical shirts 15 feet beside a fountain where a wooden stage was being loaded with speakers, various instruments and more equipment both of the girls didn’t bother much to look at.

“Hey guys!” Marga chirped, making the group of people who have their backs turned look at them instantly once heard the greeting. After a few seconds the group of teenager’s eyes’ widened in either astonishment or just pure joy, or maybe both. They quickly surrounded the two with radiant faces making the atmosphere in progressive vibe.

“Hey! Are you Margoals?” a brunette girl asked Marga.

“Yes, of course, she’s obviously Margoals, Cam!” another girl spoke out, butting in. “Right?” she added, looking expectantly at Marga afterward.

Marga smiled and tightened her grip to her hand as she said, “Yes, Yes I am Margoals…” then she smirked briefly, narrowing her eyes to them before looking at her, grinning, “How about her? Don’t you recognize her?”

Then it’s her turn to widen her eyes in surprise, she snapped at Marga’s direction, her cheeks warmed turning into rosy pink and gave Marga a death stare. Marga on the other hand just giggled and carried on cheekily giving the group a look-at-her-you-know-her-too look which made her feel more conscious of the group’s eyes boring at her.

Before anyone could recognize her and announce her name, a guy walked in the cluster, stopped beside her that made her jump in shock for doing a light squeeze on her shoulder once the guy’s arm had hovered her shoulders. “Hey guys! What’s up?” the guy greeted, full on smile and glistening eyes.

She looked up at the guy and found herself thinking how gorgeous he looked. Seeing his smile made her smile, too and his eyes―

“Heyy” the guy looked down at her and there she could see his eyes more clearly now and they were looking directly at her. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest as she continue staring at his eyes. She felt out of breath but she managed to mumble a “hiii” she forgot the group of eyes watching her.

“Oh Daffer!” a blonde-haired girl blurted out, making all look at her including her  and the guy, and of course, Marga who was already smiling. “Yes. I can’t be wrong. You’re Daffer! And he is Bread! You’re Bread and Daffer!”

She let out a soft laugh after hearing what the girl had said however she got truthfully bewildered about it, too, she asked, “Daffer?” yet her question just made the group more pleased, taking it as a jest.

“You two are brilliant ‘bout that, though!” one of the brunettes commented about the topic.

“You’re absolutely my OTP! Aside from you-know-who, of course.” one of those blondes declared.

She’s still muddled about it, though and Marga felt it, she announced, “Okay guys, will you please recite your usernames and I’ll take note of it.”


“Who’s going first?”

“Let’s start with me then we’ll continue with who’s at my right.”

The group chorused their minds out loud. Marga took it as an opportunity to talk to Bread and Daffer. She semi-pivoted to look at them, “You guys should better talk now before the show starts.” She said, eyeing Bread first before smiling at Daffer.

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