(( SEVEN ))

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“Oh, it’s just a phone.” She chuckled. She looked at its screen, swiped it on when she saw someone’s calling and answered it.

“Hey Marga! What’s up?” she cheered through the phone, worries completely out of the picture. In which made Mary and Joseph breathe in relief.

The couple busied themselves while she was talking to Marga far enough for them not to hear her voice clearly, and technically gave them no clue of what’s the call was up about. They cleared the table where they’ve bonded. They washed the dishes they used. After about fifteen minutes, she came back all giggly and fervent about something.

“So, what did Marga say?” Mary probed.

She, on the other hand, just giggled and went straight to get her coat. Mary followed her and asked, “Are you going somewhere?” She nodded. “Are you going out with Marga?” Nodded again. ”Where are you two going?”

She faced Mary and straightened up her coat hung over her arm. She hugged Mary and went to Joseph to do the same thing with a bright smile. She walked through the hallway—followed by Joseph and Mary behind—where the door was waiting at the end of the hall. As she arrived in front of it, she turned around and said, "Call y'all later! Just gonna go and meet people with Marga at the park." she winked before ending with "Love ya both!" and blew a kiss, then off she went.

She opened the car door, hopped in and tossed her coat and bag at the back seat. She drove her way to Marga's house without hesitation and second thoughts. In 20 minutes, due to some unprecedented not-really-cool traffic at some points on her way, she finally arrived outside a humongous almost-looked-like-the-white-house mansion, though this one's more on a Mediterranean style. She double honked and there a girl with a dark blonde hair dressed in pink top, a tattered jeans and combat boots with a denim cardigan tied on her waist walked out from a side door. Once Marga’s a meter away from the monstrous structure, she began to skip happily toward her car.

"I'll never get over the fact that your house is that huge and I am the only one who knows about it." she gushed once Marga have hopped in the passenger seat.

"Yeah, right. So far you're the only one worth trusting my fortune of." Marga shrugged, smiling at her.

She raised her brow playfully, looking at Marga and placed one hand on her chest before shaking her head deliberately and said, "I still can't believe you did that, actually."

“Well, I think I made the right decision, though cause nobody has robbed our house yet and no one close to us knows about this either.” Marga smirked at her.

She rolled her eyes with what Marga had said and replied with "Still kind of convinced here that you're just messing with me." Marga raised her brows at her. “I’m serious.” She added which earned her a slap on her shoulder by Marga. “Look, you’re even hurting me.” she added again faking a hurt voice while caressing the spot where Marga had slapped her.

“Oh just shut up and drive you…” Marga sneered with a smile and looked straight at the road.

“Shut up and drive, drive, drive, drive, drive…” she sang to Rihanna's song before turning on the car engine and drove to the park. It only took them less than 30 minutes to get there. It was surprisingly faster that it should be since it’s one kilometer or two farther than where she came from to Marga’s house, or mansion.

She turned off the engine after parking and looked over the crowd in the park. It started to make her nauseous; she held Marga’s hand before Marga could go out. “What’s the prob, girl?”

She looked at Marga with troubled eyes, holding her breath. “There are so many people.”

Marga sat back in the passenger seat and placed her free hand on top of her. “We know plenty there. It’s okay. It’ll be fine.” She assured her, but she’s still restless and obviously quivering. Marga breathed out and rolled her eyes. "Chill, girl. Maybe your book will help you calm your shit down."


"Your BOM. Don't tell me you didn't bring it?"


 Marga grunted and rolled her eyes yet again, "Do you have a bag with you?"

 "Yeah, at the back seat." she answered nonchalantly.

 Marga released her hands and looked at the back seat for her bag. When she saw it, she opened it and got the book out and gave it to her. "Okay read it now." Marga commanded before crossing her arms in her chest.

She hesitated for a bit but did it anyway after a few. She opened the book more and started reading silently.

What they are is a fraction of who you are and so does each and every one of them to each other. Just be true to yourself and that will lead you to not pretending and that will let you keep the real ones for a lifetime.



After reading, she glanced back up at Marga and back at the page.

And again.

And again.

And aga—

“Ohhhh. Oh. My. Gosh. Yessss!!!! AND THAT WILL LET YOU KEEP THE REAL ONES FOR A LIFETIME!!!!” she exclaimed and looked at Marga who’s grinning at her. “You. Are. The. Best. Ever.” She hugged Marga.

Marga hugged her back and smiled happily as she playfully scoffed, “I know, right?” then pulled away from her and inquired, “So, can we go now?”

 “Yeah. Yeah. Of course, c’mon!” she cheered and they both got out the car happily, walked to the park and joined in the crowd with bright smiles.

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