(( EIGHT ))

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She put the cup and saucer down on the table, sat on the nearest cushion she saw. “This is why HOME is my favorite place.” She declared as if her company didn’t know that fact yet.  She gets her huge cup of coffee before sipping some from it, crossed her legs and stirred in on the cushion making her self more comfortable.

 “Bliss!” she breathed out a little bit loud that it exaggerated after letting out an ‘aghhh’ in pleasure when she finished taking a sip from her coffee again. She tittered and glanced up at Mary and Joseph. “You guys are the best!”

The couple just gave her their most gratifying smile. She never failed to show them that, although she never did say it that casually. She was always happy, smiley and all whenever they are together, sharing a hot coffee and a delicious cake—her ‘comforter’ as she always insists to call it. If people have comfort foods, she has her comforter. They talked, laughed and continue eating and drinking the cake and coffee Joseph had prepared.

“Wow! I feel like I just fell from heaven. That was heavenly! I will keep in mind everything you told me. Y’know, about making these this perfect.” She grinned after unstoppably throwing those compliments out of her mouth. 

“You always say that. Aren’t you tired repeating it every time you have them? We already know them anyways.” Mary asked.

She shrugged, standing up from the cushion and putting her hands in her hoodie’s center pocket, breathed in and looked at Mary who she supposed was still waiting, wanting to know the answer to her question. Thus she breathed out and go over the counter and leaned there before speaking, “I’m not really sure, Mary.” shrugged, “I just feel like I have to, y’know. I have this urge inside of me that’s letting me do so….” She trailed off, and her relaxed façade changed into an uneasy one, her arms stiffened still with her hands in her hoodie’s pocket.

Joseph noticed it and leaning to Mary, he whispered, “I think it’s time, love.”

 “Are you sure? Don’t you think it’s too early for her to do that?” Mary hesitated.

 “Look, hun, I’m her—”

"I know who you are." Mary cut Joseph before he could finish what he was about to say.

“So do you think this is not a hard thing for me to do?” Joseph countered.  “She has to, Mary. She deserved it. And I know, I…I…she…” he stammered for a moment then cleared his throat and continue, “And I know she will thank us later for this.” He furthermore explained. Mary was not wholly convinced, though, however she still nodded to her husband.

“What is this Joseph?” she terrifyingly asked, looking at Joseph and he just smiled at her then glanced to his wife. She focused her gaze now to Mary who let out a deep sigh when she got her eyes. “Mary?” her voice trembled, “Please tell me what is this.” She pleaded.

“Hold it… then take it out of your pocket.” Mary instructed with a not-so-helping-to-stop-the-freaking-out smile.

“Are you sure?” Mary please be sure.” She requested and screeched, “I’m so freaking out right now!”

“I’m sure. But it you are still freaked out” Mary glared at her husband, “Come over here and look at this.” Mary finished, opening the book she left on the cushion, flipped the pages then stopped at the fourth page and placed it wide open on the table.

She obeyed, walked back to the table and look at the open book.  She read what’s written on the page.

Do it! Just DO it! You’ll never know if you don’t. You’ll never know why it is how it is. You’ll forever be terrified for not knowing because you didn’t do something to know it. 


“Just do it, darling.” Joseph calmly told her. She furrows her eyebrows and gave her company a skeptical look before it changed into an uneasy one again.

Trust them.

A familiar voice yet at the same time so alien to her sounded.

Why should I do that?  She queried mentally.

Because you don’t know anything about it and you have something to believe in for the mean time. It answered.

She looked at the page on the book again and read what’s written.

“You’ll never know if you don’t,” she repeated in a soft voice only she could hear. “You’ll never know why it is how it is.” She continued with same manner. “You’ll forever be terrified for not knowing because you didn’t do something to know it.”  She gasped after reciting the last sentence.

Do you wanna know what it is? If you do, then you know what you gotta do.

And with the voice in her head saying that, she took out the object that has been terrifying her. She closed her eyes as soon as the object was out.

If you don’t open your eyes, they will forever be closed. That scared her more than being terrified of something unknown, she slowly opened her eyes. And after a moment or two, she saw an object that’s pretty unterrifying at all and she smiled before chuckling, holding the object confidently and said, “Oh, it’s a phone.”

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