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"We heard." Marga simply greeted when Bradley was about to say something. "But let's not be complacent. I know that girl well. Trust me."

Moving aside, Bradley shrugged, "Well she has no choice. Guess she would handle it well, she has to. For Atlantis."

"You have a point. No wonder she couldn't resist you." Marga scoffed and threw Bradley a knowing smile before focusing at her best friend's image nearing them. "Now let's do this."

"Wait. Oh. My. God. Why Mayberry's here?" was what Daffodil greeted them, fanning herself with her two hands while blinking like no tomorrow.

Her hands flew up to her mouth and gasped dramatically, "Oh my shoot. Don't tell me they are the one you're telling me about earlier?" she looked at her boyfriend, wide-eyed.

"Well, it's Marga's idea." Bradley shrugged before looking at his girlfriend, "But to answer you, yes dear, they are the one."




"I can't believe this. How?"

"Wait, did you tell Glo Blitz to have a disappearing act so Mayberry could be here instead?"

Daffodil shot the group nonstop questions before her best friend rolled her eyes at her last accusation instead of being a question.

"Calm your titz, Daff. First of all, no, I did not tell Glo Blitz anything. And for your information, Mayberry being here is the reason why I'm sure those kiddos wouldn't show up." Marga explained, crossing her arms, "I asked Carlos to check on Sma-freaking-by if he'd ever sneak at their school to talk to Glo Blitz. And well, these lovelies wouldn't be here if that jerk didn't do anything."

Daffodil's mouth hung open with what she just heard. And before she could even spoke, Bradley took a wild guess of what just happened. "So, you're telling us that Glo Blitz aren't here now because Ron told them not to show up?"

"Touché!" Marga grinned gratefully at Bradley's smart mind. "So, are you on with them performing for the crowd tonight as main act?" she now looked at her best friend with quizzical hopeful look.

Daffodil didn't respond exactly at her best friend's question but still contemplating everything. "That bastard! What the hell really is his problem in life? Those poor kids."

"Daffodil," Bradley shook his girlfriend lightly that got her attention, "Marga asked you something that is way more important to answer now rather than fuming with Ron's diabolical self he can't stop sporting."

"Oh yeah." Daffodil sighed, "What was it again, Marcia?"

"Would you let Mayberry perform or not?" Marga made the question straight to the point and raised a brow at her best friend.

"Wouldn't that be against their record deal with Raffa?" Daffodil asked seriously, confident with what she knows about how things work in the industry they were working in.

"Not really." Esteban, the lead vocalist of Mayberry, answered her simply.

"Why?" Daffodil asked instantly, now curiosity written all over her face.

"She does really ask tons, doesn't she?" Brayden, the drummer of Mayberry, chuckled, giving Marga a brief nod.

"Yeah, unfortunately." Marga replied silently and Brayden only chuckled more.

"Well, we don't have a gig this day or anything important to do anyway. Besides, we have a new song, if we perform it tonight here, it would only mean advertising it without paying a cent. The question here that matters to be honest is, if Atlantis would be alright with it?" Hector, the bassist of Mayberry, chose to answer the simple question of Daffodil that held a huge meaning.

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