(( THREE ))

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"I told you, Marcia. I'm afraid this won't be a success. Their fans are already here. Look!" Daffodil frantically told Marga, as she paced back and forth backstage.

"Relax, Daff! There are still five artists that will perform before them." Marga comforted her best friend, yet looked as worried as Daffodil, too.

Still on her heels tapping in trepidation, "Yeah. More like half an hour of hell because those teenagers aren't here yet." She folded her arms, "They didn't even get to sound check earlier. How would we know they could give a great performance we can send to the board on our proposal for their deal?"

Marga couldn't argue because Daffodil was right. She either couldn't properly comprehend all these because Glo Blitz were never late in any of their gigs before. And that was one thing they've liked about the band. They were also prepared, always, with everything. That's what caught their attention, not only they were talented, they were also dedicated with everything they do. So this, was seriously unprecedented.

"Ma'am, Ms. Philips is already on stage to introduce you. Stand by for the cue and go when you're ready." One of the stage directors pulled Marga out of her trance.

"Thanks!" she replied and peeked from behind the curtain. Her eyes widened in pure joy when she saw her boyfriend with his friends at the crowd, she hurriedly called one of Daffodil's staffs and said something before running out to the stage when she heard her best friend calling out her name.

"Worry no more, sistah! Think I already got our prob solved." Marga whispered on Daffodil's ear before greeting the audience and started her set.

Confused as hell, Daffodil walked back from the stage to her stand by spot. She thought of what her best friend had said while nibbling with her thumb.

"Where are you? Are you still going to perform tonight? Or your band's gonna stand us up?" she mumbled as she typed them out on her phone before sending them to all the members of Glo Blitz.

Daffodil waited for their replies as she watched her best friend's performance. Her best friend was wealthy but no one knew it but her. Even Marga's boyfriend didn't know. She didn't want special treatment unless she's sure they're doing it sincerely and not because she's living in a mansion and her family owned an international telcom company. She's one of those people who got tired of living life using money to have all their ways with everything they do, because yes she wouldn't ever lie nor hesitate to admit that she loved the perks of being part of her family before.

"This song is dedicated to my best friend, Daffodil, the brain child of this event, too! Let's give her a round of applause please! Because if it wasn't for her, all of us wouldn't be here. We wrote this together two years ago and I'm proud to let you all know that she finally agreed for everyone to hear it!" she chuckled and glanced at Daffodil, having her lovely smile printed neatly on her delighted face. "Here's Hurricane for my last song tonight! Hope y'all would love it!" After a second, the intro began to resonate out of the speakers and Marga started the song happily.

It took four years being a friend of Marga before Daffodil knew about her secret. She understood her reasons why she wanted to live lowkey as possible, though, especially when she started her Youtube channel. Life no matter how God gave it you, there's only one thing every person had in common, they had control on how they would live it in spite all struggles it would let them suffer that ironically they had no control over. Because no matter how big or small your problem was, it's still a problem; and no matter how well off you were or not, you're still free, you had all the means to feel this way about that thing or feel that way in this aspect. At the end of the day everyone was equal when it comes to having a choice on how to live life.

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