Location: [UNKNOWN]
Kansen active: FGS Hessen
Slowly regaining consciousness, Hessen slightly opened her eyes. One by one, all her senses returned to her - including the feeling of pain, which returned with a bonus load of a headache. But - the mere fact that she was feeling anything at all was already highly surprising for her.
She tried moving her hands to feel the ground below her, which were met by something warm and coarse - fine, smooth beach sand. Near her, the calming sounds of waves hitting the beach could be heard - a sound all kansen are all-too familiar with.
The sun stood high in the nearly cloudless sky, forcing Hessen to shield her eyes from its blinding rays with one hand.
Stabilizing herself with the other hand, the lone frigate slowly sat up, scanning the area to see where she ended up - not particularly helped by her still present headache.
"Ugh... my head hurts... where am I?"She attempted to perceive her surroundings properly, but saw everything in a blur - still disoriented. She closed her eyes to give them time to adjust, then opened them again.
With her sight returned, she confirmed everything she had felt so far and more - she was stranded on an island, seemingly isolated from all civilization. Looking out to the endless blue ocean, she couldn't see neither ships nor other islands - and looking out into the sky, she couldn't see any aircraft - especially no civilian planes. This did not make any sense - normally, the sky was filled with them.
Am I dead?
Was the first thought Hessen had. Perhaps this was the afterlife? Is this where kansen like her are sent after being sunk?It certainly seemed so. The atmosphere of the area definitely had an ethereal, serene feeling - a place which felt peaceful, but yet lacked the feeling of home. Perhaps the afterlife for kansen was an eternal ocean which she would traverse freely for eternity - fitting, since kansen are beings meant for the vast blue oceans.
At that moment, the memories of the poor frigate set in. The desperate cries of her sisters echoed in her mind from when she let go and was pulled into the dark abyss.
But instead of sadness, she wore a slight smile tinged with peace and melancholy - knowing that at least her sisters were spared from the same fate.
Then, a pulse of pain occurred in her head - caused by the still present headache. The stranded frigate's face displayed a bit of a frown, quite annoyed at this. Then, it hit her.
Wait - if I am in the afterlife, why do I still feel pain?
She pinched herself to confirm this, coming out with a positive.
Ow - So that means I'm... still alive?
Relief washed over her as she concluded with this. But, this feeling was soon entirely replaced with something very strong - hope.
Her being alive meant that she could still be able to keep going - and hopefully return. Determination filled her.
I will press on - for the sake of returning home...!

Azur Lane: Konvergenz
FanfictionOff the coast of Germany, three kansen sisters sailed in the darkness of the night. All three of them struck with curiosity. Following the trail of anomalous signals, they encountered something - unusual. Something that was not supposed to be there...