Chapter 1: A Final End

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The world was doomed.

"Luna I love you and nothing can stop me from loving you" Cristine said crying.

Her face was red, her eyes turned blurry as she faced her lover.

They were both at solaris point, the tallest hill at central park. They were both having a date when the first missile was exposed. Downtown Manhattan was in flames. Everywhere citizens were running. People were screaming and buildings were falling. A bigger bomb could be seen coming at an alarming rate from the sky towards central park. Kevin knew there could be nothing done and that there would be no escape. He turned back to meet his girlfriend's eyes. This would be their first year anniversary. January ninth. 2024.

"Solecito, don't be afraid of my love. It's like we always wished for" he said smiling. Kevin had a faint smile but it was still heart warming towards Cristine.

"Promise to never stop loving me Luna. Please don't ever leave me" she continued to cry on his chest.

"My silly sweet girl. What makes you think I would ever stop loving you?" Kevin said, chuckling. He was always dazed about his girlfriend. The end of the world didn't affect him.

"I love you Luna," Cristine said, still crying in his chest. The bomb was coming quicker and quicker. People tried finding shelter or even a refuge but nothing would help against the atomic bomb 2.0

The end of a splendid era. New York City was under attack.

With a few more tears and a few last kisses. The end to Suna was coming to its end. Or was it?

"I love you more, Sol," Kevin said. With a last kiss, Kevin and Cristine perished after a loud bang. The nuke had set off and the entire city went to dust. Skyscrapers were eaten and the people were made of rubbish. The bridges collapsed and the world stopped. 

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